Types of Deep Conditioner that You Can Make at Home

Types of Deep Conditioner that You Can Make at Home

If you are looking to strengthen and fortify your hair, then there are several natural ingredients you can use that can be found in most households. When you deep condition your hair, you are allowing the conditioner to penetrate the hair shaft. This helps remove any...
DIY Hair Mask Recipes

DIY Hair Mask Recipes

If you have dry, damaged, or fading hair, you are probably seeking out the best ways to restore your hair to its healthy state. Outdoor elements, the use of hot styling tools, and even a change in seasons can be disastrous for your hair. For this reason, a hair mask...
The Benefits and Uses of Marula Oil

The Benefits and Uses of Marula Oil

Marula oil is an essential oil that is extracted from the fruits of marula trees. There are two types of oil: one that is extracted from the seeds and the other extracted from the nut’s shell.  This essential oil is high in antioxidants, essential fatty acids,...
Natural Exfoliators You Can Find in Your Kitchen

Natural Exfoliators You Can Find in Your Kitchen

  With the microbead problems, there have been, people are becoming more and more concerned about body scrubs and exfoliants they are using. The good news is that they can ditch the commercially sold products and instead opt for DIY exfoliation at home with...
DIY Essential Oil Rollers

DIY Essential Oil Rollers

Essential oils are already high on our list of priorities when it comes to finding an alternative treatment for many different ailments. But did you know that there was a way to harness the power of essential oils that you use at home, so you can take full advantage...
Amazing Benefits of Castor Oil

Amazing Benefits of Castor Oil

Castor oil is a natural remedy that has been used for centuries in medicine as a treatment for several different health-related ailments. The main component of castor oil is something called ricinoleic acid. It is a type of fatty acid that is known for its...
DIY Diaper Rash Cream

DIY Diaper Rash Cream

Making your own natural diaper rash cream is a much safer and healthier alternative to commercial products more commonly used. Some may hesitate to make a natural diaper rash cream because they feel it won’t be as effective as the other stuff. However, this is...
DIY Frankincense for Healthy Skin

DIY Frankincense for Healthy Skin

There are many benefits to using frankincense for your skin which is why it is often an ingredient that is used in many skin care products. It has been found to have the power to help treat dry skin while also reducing the appearance of wrinkles, age spots, scars, and...
Palmarosa DIYs 

Palmarosa DIYs 

Palmarosa has been used since ancient times because of its many positive skin and health properties. It is known to be an oil that helps aid in digestion, prevents bacterial infections, helps fight depression and anxiety, and can even help cure sores and cracks on the...
Creating your own blends using essential oils.

Creating your own blends using essential oils.

Making your own blends with essential oils can be both enjoyable and health enhancing. Not only can you choose fragrances that you most enjoy, you can also select your blends to address health issues that you may be suffering, or simply to enhance joy and a feeling of...
DIY Recipe for Blackheads 

DIY Recipe for Blackheads 

Blackheads are a mild form of acne and can affect many different people for a number of reasons including improper skin care, excess oil production, and clogged and irritated pores and hair follicles. They are most commonly found on the face, especially on the nose.  ...
DIY Recipe for Scar Healing 

DIY Recipe for Scar Healing 

While there are many products you can find in stores today to help reduce the appearance of scars, you may find that many of them contain several ingredients that might wreak havoc on the skin. While many of them contain Vitamin E which is known to help reduce the...

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