There are many benefits to using frankincense for your skin which is why it is often an ingredient that is used in many skin care products. It has been found to have the power to help treat dry skin while also reducing the appearance of wrinkles, age spots, scars, and can even help fade stretch marks.
Frankincense is packed full of anti-inflammatory properties so it can support good health and boost the immune system. It also has a pleasant smell which also makes it a great addition to any DIY skin care product. It smells like a combination of lemon and pine mixed with other woodsy scents.
The following are a few easy DIYs you can do using frankincense essential oil for your skin:
DIY Scar Healing
Frankincense can greatly help with wound healing, and it can also reduce the appearance of any scarring you may have. The scarring includes acne blemishes, stretch marks, eczema, and even scars from surgical wounds.
For an easy DIY scar healing cream, simply combine approximately a third a cup of coconut oil, one and a half cups of aloe vera gel, a couple of tablespoons of wheat germ oil, twenty drops of frankincense oil, and twenty drops of rosehip oil. When mixed together, it will have a creamy consistency much like lotion. Massage the cream into the scarred area two to three times each day to see its effects.
DIY Recipe for Anti-Aging
To make an anti-aging cream at home that will tighten and firm your skin, simply gather cocoa butter, rosehip oil, argan oil, frankincense, geranium, Vitamin E oil, and coconut oil. To half a cup of cocoa butter add in two drops of the rosehip, three tablespoons of argan oil, fifteen drops of frankincense, seven drops of geranium, a quarter teaspoon of Vitamin E oil, and two tablespoons of coconut oil.
You will want first to melt the cocoa butter and coconut oil together using a double boiler and then add the rosehip oil in and combine everything together. Once cooled, it will have a lotion like consistency and texture, and this is when you will add the remainder of your essential oil drops. You can use this lotion twice a day after cleansing your face, and it will help firm and tighten the skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Before using any kind of essential oil on your skin even with carrier oil you will want to first test it on a small patch of skin to make sure you won’t have any kind of reaction.
Meta: Using frankincense for healthy skin is easy to do yourself at home with the virgin coconut oil and argan oil.