Searching for some great essential oil diffuser recipes, blends and combinations?
Your search is over!
Today you’ll learn our favorite 11 essential oils you can use in different essential oil diffuser recipes and blends to achieve virtually any of the aromatherapy benefits you want! There are so many different kinds of Essential Oils out there and it can be a little daunting choosing just a couple when you’re first starting out. That’s why today we’ll show you the best essential oils to use in a diffuser to enjoy each of our top 7 benefits.
Once it’s all said and done, you can start your essential oil collection with just 11 essential oils and expand from there. With just those 11 essential oils, you’ll be able to make your own combinations to receive any of our top 7 essential oil blend benefits you like!
Our 11 Best Essential Oils to Use In a Diffuser:
- Peppermint Essential Oil
- Rosemary Essential Oil
- Eucalyptus Oil
- Lavender Essential Oil
- Chamomile Essential Oil
- Ylang-Ylang Essential Oil
- Lemon Essential Oil
- Orange Essential Oil
- Grapefruit Essential Oil
- Cinnamon Essential Oil
- Ginger Essential Oil
Ready to start your collection? Wait till we tell you all the different benefits you’ll get with just these 11 essential oils!
Keep reading!
Ancient Aromatherapy Recipes
As we mention in our post about Using Essential Oils Without a Diffuser, essential oils and aromatherapy recipes have been used by humans for thousands of years. It is believed that the ancient civilizations including the Egyptians, Mesopotamians, Indians, Greeks and Romans all used essential oils for different purposes. When we discussed How to Use Lavender Essential Oil, we talked about how the archaeologists who opened King Tut’s tomb in 1923 still detected a hint of lavender essential oil, which was used during mummification.
The Romans are said to have bathed with Lavender Essential Oil and used it in cooking and even to fight off diseases and colds. We also know from our post about Castor Essential Oil Blends that the ancient Egyptians used Castor Oil aromatherapy recipes as a laxative and to induce labor. Since the process to make many essential oils only requires the use of steam distillation (heating the raw essential oil ingredients and then letting them cool into an oil in another chamber), the ability to create these aromatherapy recipes has been around for a long time. But the diffuser as we think of it, with its cool mist and colored LED lights, has only been around for a decade or two.
Essential Oil Diffusers
On our page, The Complete Guide to Essential Oil Diffusers, we go into detail about the different kinds of essential oil diffusers. And in our last post, How to Use Essential Oil Diffusers, we give you the easy step-by-step instructions to start using your essential oil diffuser today, no matter what type of essential oil diffuser you have.
If you’d like to learn ways to Use Essential Oils Without a Diffuser, check out our previous post!
For a brief review of essential oil diffusers, there are four main types: the ultrasonic diffuser, the evaporative diffuser, the heat diffuser and the nebulizing diffuser.
The Ultrasonic Diffuser
The ultrasonic diffuser is the most common diffuser. It requires water and usually includes a built-in LED lamp. Ultrasonic diffusers use an ultrasonic vibrating disc to agitate the water, releasing the essential oil in a fine mist.
The Evaporative Diffuser
Evaporative diffusers are usually pretty simple and they use a highly absorbent material to hold the essential oils, allowing them to evaporate over time.
The Heat Diffuser
As the name implies, heat diffusers use heat to diffuse essential oils. Heat diffusers can range from essential oil burners, which use a candle to heat the essential oils, to lamp rings, which use a lightbulb to diffuse the oils.
The Nebulizing Diffuser
The nebulizing diffuser is our favorite! Nebulizing diffusers don’t use heat, water or evaporation. Instead, the nebulizing diffuser uses an atomizer to create a mist out of the undiluted essential oils. This allows the essential oils to be delivered in their purest form.
If you’d like more information about nebulizing diffusers, we wrote a whole guide on How to Use Nebulizing Diffusers.
What Essential Oils to Diffuse
Choosing what essential oils to diffuse can seem like a big task. There are so many options and it can be hard to narrow it down to just a few.
Well we have good news and bad news!
The good news is that it’s pretty hard to go wrong with essential oils!
And the bad news is that it’s pretty hard to go wrong with essential oils!
This can make the decision of choosing what essential oils to diffuse even trickier, but it’s important to know that no matter which oil you end up using, there are certain benefits that almost all essential oil diffuser recipes will bring to you and your home.
Almost every essential oil contains a variety of antioxidants and generally has antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. These properties allow most essential oils to help fight bacteria and mold in your home. While some essential oils may be better suited than others for this task, it is a general benefit you can expect from using any of your essential oil diffuser recipes, blends or combinations.
Another general benefit of all essential oils is their ability to fight odor and freshen the smell of your home, spa or work. Picking an essential oil or blend of oils you really like can help lift up your mood and improve your day. Using essential oil recipes with aromas you like is definitely an important consideration to make when picking your essential oil diffuser recipes.
Ready to learn more about the best essential oils to use in a diffuser?
Here’s our top 7 essential oil blend uses!
Our Top 7 Essential Oil Diffuser Recipe Benefits
- For energy and mental clarity
- For relaxation, stress relief and sleep
- For fighting colds and allergies
- For headaches, migraines and nausea
- For aches and pains
- For weight loss, digestion and appetite
- For fighting odor, bacteria, mold and bugs
Aromatherapy Diffuser Recipes for Energy & Mental Clarity
As we mention in our article about Peppermint Aromatherapy, our top three essential oils to blend in a diffuser recipe for improved energy and mental clarity are:
Peppermint Essential Oil
Studies have shown that Diffusing Peppermint Essential Oil can increase energy and physical performance. Just a few drops of peppermint essential oil before physical activity increased grip strength, jump height and air circulation in the lungs. Peppermint essential oil is an important oil to use in any blend or recipe for increased energy.
Rosemary Essential Oil
There is also compelling research for rosemary essential oil. One study even showed that using rosemary essential oil with a blend of other essential oils like peppermint oil, grapefruit oil, lemon oil and lavender oil helped to combat neurodegenerative diseases and improve brain function. Check out our post on Diffusing Rosemary Essential Oil for more ways to use rosemary oil.
Eucalyptus Essential Oil
Eucalyptus essential oil is another great essential oil to use in a diffuser to increase energy and mental clarity. As we discuss in our Spa Aromatherapy Essential Oils page, eucalyptus essential oil is great for the lungs and respiratory system. It helps to clear the sinuses and increase air flow, which helps more oxygen reach the brain and provides mental clarity and increased energy.
Aromatherapy Diffuser Recipes for Relaxation, Stress Relief & Improved Sleep
Stress, anxiety and insomnia are all conditions with prescription solutions. But wouldn’t you prefer a natural option?
Try aromatherapy diffuser recipes with the following oils:
Lavender Essential Oil
Stress relief, relaxation and improved sleep was our #1 benefit in our post about Diffusing Lavender Essential Oil! That’s why lavender essential oil is our #1 essential oil to use in aromatherapy diffuser recipes. Lavender is a great oil to use for relaxation and studies have found that when using lavender essential oil aromatherapy blends, a “significant improvement appeared in [the participants’] sleep quality.”1
Chamomile and Ylang-Ylang Essential Oils
In our post about Essential Oil Blend Recipes for Calming and Relaxation, we go into more detail about how and why to use chamomile essential oil and ylang-ylang essential oil for relaxation.
For a quick overview: Chamomile has mildly sedative properties, so it is a perfect essential oil to help with sleeplessness. Ylang-ylang essential oil has a more fruity, tropical smell than the others and is also to known to help with sleep. Be careful when you use ylang-ylang though! It’s said that ylang-ylang oil is an aphrodisiac for some!
Essential Oil Blend Recipes for Fighting Colds, Congestion & Allergies
A stuffy nose, a harsh cough or bad allergies can make anyone’s day way more difficult. Disinfect your home and keep your lungs healthy with these essential oils:
- Peppermint Essential Oil
- Eucalyptus Essential Oil
- Lemon Essential Oil
Utama Spice Bali Mint Essential Oil
Peppermint and Eucalyptus Essential Oil
By opening up the sinus and the respiratory pathways, both peppermint and eucalyptus essential oils are great for fighting colds, congestion and allergies. As we mentioned, we go into more detail about Peppermint and Eucalyptus Essential Oils in another post.
Lemon Essential Oil
Lemon essential oil supports the lymphatic system and boosts your immune system’s abliity to fight off colds. Diffusing lemon oil can also disinfect your home by helping to kill bacteria and airborne allergens. It’s a great addition to any cold or allergy-fighting essential oil blend recipes.
Essential Oil Blend Recipes for Headaches, Migraines & Nausea
Wouldn’t it be great if your insomnia medication or your energy drink also helped with headaches?
Well if you’re using essential oils, they just might! Our list of top essential oils to fight headaches and nausea is comprised of a few essential oils you may have seen earlier. Here’s our top 3 oils:
Peppermint and Lavender Essential Oil
In our Peppermint Essential Oil and Diffusing Lavender Oil pages, we go into more detail about how to use these essential oils for headaches, migraines and nausea. One we didn’t mention is lemon essential oil.
Lemon Essential Oil
While lemon essential oil can be great to add into your cold-fighting essential oil blend recipes, it is also very helpful in dissipating nausea. A study was done with pregnant women suffering from morning sickness, nausea and vomiting. One group was given lemon essential oil to inhale when they felt nauseous while the control group wasn’t. The study found that lemon essential oil can be significantly “effective in reducing nausea and vomiting of pregnancy.”2
Essential Oil Blend Recipes for Aches, Pains & Inflammation
Just like our essential oil options to treat headaches and nausea, we also have some familiar essential oils that we can use to treat aches, pains and inflammation. Many essential oils have anti-inflammatory properties, but these are our top 3 to use in essential oil blend recipes, whether diffusing or applying topically:
Lavender and Rosemary Essential Oils
We’ve mentioned our posts on Diffusing Lavender Oil and Rosemary Oil Diffuser Benefits before, so we’ll talk a bit about orange essential oil.
Orange Essential Oil
Orange essential oil can also be used in aromatherapy oil recipes to help with anxiety, stress and falling asleep. But it’s one of our favorites to include in essential oil recipes for reducing muscle, joint or even bone pain. Studies have shown orange essential oil helped “relieve pain in patients with fractured limbs.”3 Orange essential oil has great anti-inflammatory properties that work with the pain-reducing properties to reduce swelling and provide more holistic healing.
Essential Oil Blend Recipes for Weight Loss, Digestion & Appetite
In our post about Castor Oil for Weight Loss, we discuss a variety of essential oils you could use in combination with castor oil for weight loss. Along with castor oil, these essential oils can also be used to help with appetite and lower food cravings, balance blood sugar levels and increase the health and wellness of your digestive tract. Our favorite essential oil blend recipes for weight loss and digestion have to include:
Grapefruit Essential Oil
As we mention in our post about Castor Oil for Weight Loss, Grapefruit essential oil is a good essential for weight loss because it activates enzymes in your body that help break down fat. It can even work to lower cravings and act as a natural diuretic.
Cinnamon Essential Oil
Cinnamon essential oil also helps with weight loss by working to balance your blood sugar levels, which reduces cravings for sweets. This can be an important part of any weight loss routine!
Ginger Essential Oil
Ginger essential oil also works to reduce sugar cravings, but its most prominent benefit has to do with one of its main compounds, gingerol. Gingerols reduce inflammation in your gastrointestinal tract, allowing you to better absorb the vitamins and minerals in your food. This will help your digestive system work more efficiently!
Aromatherapy Oil Recipes for Fighting Odor, Bacteria, Mold & Insects
As we said earlier, almost every single one of the infinite essential oil blend recipes you can create will contain a combination of antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-fungal properties. This means that any essential oil blend recipes you pick will have the power to repel mold, bacteria and insects in your home. Just pick an aroma you like and it will fight odors and freshen the air too!
Are there some more essential oils we should add to our list of Best Essential Oils Diffuser Recipes?
Have some more essential oil blend recipes we should try?
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