Piper Betle Essential Oil 10 ml

IDR Rp 184.800

Piper betel oil comes from the heart shaped leaves of the betel plant that have been harvested and used for centuries in traditional medicine. The natural chemical compounds of piper betel are antimicrobial, antifungal, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory. Piper oil can kill various microorganisms that can cause infections on the skin and in the body, and it has a natural expectorant that can loosen phlegm and ease breathing. Piper betel has pain relieving analgesic properties that ease symptoms of swelling, tension, and cramping. Supports skin health and fights acne.
• Sharp, bitter aroma.
• Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
• Eases feminine ailments.  

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Piper betel oil comes from the heart shaped leaves of the betel plant that have been harvested and used for centuries in traditional medicine. The natural chemical compounds of piper betel are antimicrobial, antifungal, antiseptic, and anti-inflammatory. Piper oil can kill various microorganisms that can cause infections on the skin and in the body, and it has a natural expectorant that can loosen phlegm and ease breathing. Piper betel has pain relieving analgesic properties that ease symptoms of swelling, tension, and cramping. Supports skin health and fights acne.
• Sharp, bitter aroma.
• Antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
• Eases feminine ailments.  


100% piper betle essential oil


Essential oils have the natural ability to heal, soothe, and stimulate. With antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties, essential oils have a wide variety of uses.

Sniff essential oils right from the bottle for an instant pick-me-up, to relive anxiety, or to induce relaxation. Add to carrier oil, such as jojoba, and use in a soothing massage. Place a few drops in diffuser to eliminate household odors. Add to cleaning products for more antibacterial and antimicrobial power. During cold and flu season, diffuse daily to stimulate immunity. Mix with carrier oil and apply to the skin to heal wounds. Add a drop or two to your face serum and apply daily to and protect skin against the signs of aging.

Before applying to skin, do a patch test.

How to patch test – Wash, clean, and dry the area on your upper arm near the crook of your elbow. Apply small amount of essential oil and cover with a bandage. Leave the bandage on for 24 hours, then remove and check for irritation. If skin looks clear and there is no reaction after the allotted test time, the oil is presumably safe to use. If you feel irritation at any time duringthe test, remove bandage and wash area with soap and water.

Piper Betle Essential Oil

Not many people have heard of piper betle essential oil (Piper betle) and even fewer have tried it. However, those who have tried it often find themselves falling in love with this understated yet powerful essential oil.

If you, too, have not heard or tried piper betle essential oil before, this is the perfect opportunity to get to know this pungent essential oil a little better. Here, we will cover piper betle oil’s extraction, benefits and uses, and the other essential oils it blends well with. Let’s get cracking!


What is Piper Betle Essential Oil Made Of?

Piper betle essential oil is derived from betel, a vine from the Piperaceae family — also known as the black pepper family. The plant is thought to have originated in the Malay Archipelago. Then, it spread through tropical Asia and Malaysia. Since then, the betel plant is cultivated mostly in South Asia and Southeast Asian countries — from Pakistan to Papua New Guinea. Currently, India is the leading producer.

The betel plant is what you would call a creeper. Its semi-woody stems need a tree or pole for support. The plant thrives in well-drained high land and fertile soil. While it requires moist soil, it does not do well with excessive moisture. So, irrigation has to be frequent but light.

The plant has to reach approximately 150cm before it is harvested. This usually takes place during the monsoon season and lasts for about fifteen days to a month.


How is Piper Betle Essential Oil Extracted?

The aromatic piper betle essential oil is derived by steam distilling fresh betel leaves. Here, the harvested leaves are partially dried. Then hot pressurized steam is pushed through the leaves.

Next, the solution undergoes condensation and, finally, collected. Generally, piper betle essential oil is somewhere between amber to medium brown in color. This ultimately depends on the type of leaf used. Young leaves will usually return the highest yield.


Benefits of Piper Betle Essential Oil

1.    Aids in reducing inflammation and pain

Piper betle essential oil is famously well-known for its anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. It helps to alleviate all sorts of pains and inflammation such as headaches, back pain, joint pain, and other rheumatic pains. Its slight numbing and cooling effects also help to provide some relief.

For relief, mix a few drops of piper betle essential oil with a carrier oil. Then, massage it onto the inflamed or painful area. If you are struggling with arthritis or rheumatism, you can also add the essential oil to a hot or cold compress for more relief.

2.    Helps to manage respiratory disorders

Piper betle essential oil has long been used as a treatment for various respiratory disorders. This includes cough, congestion, cold, and flu. This is in large part because of the essential oil’s expectorant properties. What they do is they loosen the phlegm and relieve congestion so that your chest feels lighter.

To start, you can just inhale the piper betle essential oil right from the bottle. Besides that, you can also add a few drops of the essential oil to a bowl of hot water. Then cover the bowl of water and your head. Next, inhale slowly and deeply for at least 5 minutes to soothe and decongest.

Alternatively, you can also mix piper betle essential oil with a carrier oil and massage deeply onto the chest to relieve congestion. If need to, you can also massage your throat with the concoction.

3.    Treats various digestive issues

On top of that, piper betle essential oil has also been known to treat various digestive issues including loss of appetite, constipation, acidity, heartburn, and more. This is, in part, courtesy of its carminative qualities.

All you need to do is mix a few drops of the essential oil with a carrier oil. Then, massage the mixture onto your abdomen.

4.    Refreshes breaths and takes care of gum problems

A common practice in India, people often chew betel leaves after a meal. Well, piper betle essential oil can likewise be used for the same purpose. The oil can help to freshen breaths, decrease bacteria, and prevent tooth decay amongst other things.

For fresh breath and healthy gum, add a few drops of piper betle essential oil to some warm water. Next, gargle the solution as you would a mouthwash.

5.    Treats skin allergies, irritation, and infections

Just like other essential oil, piper betle has excellent antibacterial, antifungal, and antiseptic properties. This helps the essential oil to fight various conditions. This includes athlete’s foot, fungal infection, and even breakouts as well as pimples.

Here, what you need to do is add a few drops of piper betle essential oil to a carrier oil. In this case, coconut essential oil is an excellent choice. Feel free to also add in other essential oils with similar properties. Then, apply the concoction to the affected areas. Make sure to also get it on the surrounding areas.

6.    Lifts negative moods and feelings

If you are feeling blue, lethargic, or just generally down, piper betle essential oil can help with this, too.

For the ultimate self-care session, add a few drops of the essential oil to your bath water and let it calm and relax you.

Alternatively, when you need a little refreshing, you can also inhale the piper betle essential oil right from the bottle. It should help to both calm and refocus your attention.

As always, you can also add a few drops of the essential oil to the diffuser. Then, just let it work its magic.

7.    Can potentially be used as a natural insect repellent

A couple of studies have found that betel leaves were once used as a prevention and remedy for malaria in rural Malaysia. It is believed that the flavonoids in the leaf help with this. This is because flavonoids see great insecticidal activities.

So, to protect your home, you can dilute a couple of drops of piper betle essential oil with some water. Then, spray it all around the house including the carpet, furniture, curtain, and bedding.

You can also dilute the essential oil with a carrier oil and massage onto your body before heading outdoors to prevent mosquito and insect bites.


Mixing Piper Betle Essential Oil With Other Essential Oil

Aromatic, pungent, and slightly smoky, piper betle essential oil goes well with quite a few other essential oils. For example, it goes well with slightly herbaceous essential oils such as lavender, rosemary, and cardamom. Besides that, the base note also blends well with tea tree, eucalyptus, cinnamon, and clove essential oils.


Other Good-to-Know Information


As with all essential oils, always proceed with caution. Apply a small amount on a small patch of skin first. If you do not see any irritation, inflammation, and allergy after 24 hours, then, the essential oil should be a good match for you.

If you have sensitive skin, do not use the essential oil undiluted. Instead, mix it with a carrier oil first to decrease the risk of adverse side effects.


Is Piper Betle Essential Oil Right for You?

A silent powerhouse, piper betle essential oil is no doubt less popular than other essential oils. However, those who have tried the essential oil will find it irresistible.

Additional information

Weight 100 g

Deskripsi Bahasa Indonesia

Essential Oil Piper Betle (Daun Sirih)

Tidak banyak orang pernah mendengar tentang essential oil daun sirih (Daun Sirih) dan bahkan lebih sedikit lagi yang sudah pernah mencobanya. Namun, mereka yang sudah mencobanya sering kali jadi jatuh cinta dengan essential oil yang diam-diam sangat kuat ini.

Jika kamu juga belum pernah mendengar atau mencoba essential oil daun sirih sebelumnya, ini adalah kesempatan yang tepat untuk mengenal essential oil beraroma kencang ini sedikit lebih baik. Di sini, kami akan membahas cara mengekstraksi, manfaat dan penggunaan essential oil daun sirih, dan essential oil lainnya yang berpasangan baik dengannya. Ayo kita lanjut!


Terbuat Dari Apa Essential Oil Piper Betle?

Essential oil daun sirih berasal dari daun sirih, sebuah tanaman rambat dari keluarga Piperaceae – yang juga dikenal sebagai keluarga dari lada hitam. Tanaman ini diperkirakan berasal dari Kepulauan Melayu. Kemudian, menyebar melalui Asia tropis dan Malaysia. Sejak itu, tanaman sirih banyak dibudidayakan di Asia Selatan dan negara-negara Asia Tenggara – dari Pakistan hingga Papua Nugini. Saat ini, India adalah produsen yang paling terkemuka.

Tanaman sirih termasuk tanaman yang menjalar. Batang semi-kayunya membutuhkan pohon lain atau tiang sebagai penyangga. Tanaman ini tumbuh subur di dataran tinggi dengan sirkulasi air yang baik dan tanah yang gembur. Meskipun membutuhkan tanah yang lembab, tanaman ini tidak akan tumbuh baik dengan kelembaban yang berlebihan. Jadi, pengairan harus lancar namun harus tetap gembur.

Tanaman harus mencapai sekitar 150 cm sebelum bisa dipanen. Masa ini biasanya terjadi selama musim hujan dan berlangsung selama sekitar lima belas hari hingga sebulan.


Bagaimana Essential Oil Piper Betle Diekstraksi?

Essential oil daun sirih yang aromatik ini berasal dari uap daun sirih segar yang disuling. Di sini, daun yang dipanen sebagian dikeringkan. Kemudian uap panas bertekanan tinggi didorong melewati daun.

Selanjutnya, larutan ini mengalami kondensasi lalu akhirnya dikumpulkan. Umumnya, essential oil daun sirih memiliki warna antara kuning hingga kecoklatan. Warna yang dihasilkan ini tergantung pada jenis daun yang digunakan. Daun muda biasanya akan memberi hasil terbanyak.


Manfaat Essential Oil Piper Betle (Daun Sirih)

  1. Membantu mengurangi peradangan dan rasa sakit

Essential oil daun sirih terkenal dan banyak diketahui karena sifat anti-inflamasi dan analgesiknya. Yang mana dapat membantu meringankan semua jenis rasa sakit dan peradangan seperti sakit kepala, sakit punggung, sakit sendi, dan nyeri rematik lainnya. Efek bius dan pendinginnya yang ringan juga membantu dalam memberikan rasa lega.

Untuk melegakan, campurkan beberapa tetes essential oil daun sirih ini dengan minyak pendamping. Kemudian, pijatkan ke bagian yang meradang atau sedang sakit. Jika kamu sedang berjuang melawan radang sendi atau rematik, kamu juga bisa menambahkan essential oil ini pada kompres panas atau dingin untuk lebih membantu.

  1. Membantu mengatur gangguan pernapasan

Essential oil daun sirih telah lama digunakan sebagai pengobatan dalam berbagai gangguan pernapasan. Termasuk batuk, penyumbatan, pilek, dan flu. Sebagian besar karena sifat ekspektoran dalam essential oil tersebut. Apa yang terjadi adalah sifat ekspektorannya mengeluarkan dahak dan mengurangi penyumbatan sehingga dada akan terasa lebih ringan.

Untuk permulaan, kamu bisa menghirup essential oil daun sirih langsung dari botolnya. Selain itu, kamu juga bisa menambahkan beberapa tetes essential oil ke semangkuk air panas. Kemudian tutupi mangkuk air dan kepala mu. Lalu, tarik nafas perlahan dan dalam selama setidaknya 5 menit untuk melegakan dan mengurangi rasa sakit.

Atau, kamu juga dapat mencampurkan essential oil daun sirih dengan minyak pendamping dan pijat dengan seksama di bagian dada untuk mengurangi penyumbatan. Jika perlu, kamu juga bisa memijat tenggorokan mu dengan campuran ini.

  1. Mengobati berbagai masalah pencernaan

Selain dari itu, essential oil daun sirih juga dikenal mengobati berbagai masalah pencernaan termasuk hilang nafsu makan, sembelit, asam lambung, mulas, dan banyak lagi. Ini, sebagian, berkat kualitas karminatifnya.

Yang perlu kamu lakukan adalah mencampur beberapa tetes essential oil ini dengan minyak pendamping. Kemudian, pijatkan pada daerah perut mu.

  1. Segarkan nafas dan merawat masalah gusi

Sebuah praktik umum di India bahwa orang sering mengunyah daun sirih setelah makan. Nah, essential oil daun sirih ini juga dapat digunakan untuk tujuan yang sama. Minyak ini dapat membantu menyegarkan nafas, mengurangi bakteri dalam mulut, dan mencegah kerusakan gigi.

Untuk nafas segar dan gusi yang sehat, tambahkan beberapa tetes essential oil daun sirih ke air hangat. Selanjutnya, berkumurlah dengan larutan ini seperti layaknya obat kumur biasa.

  1. Mengobati alergi kulit, iritasi, dan infeksi

Sama seperti essential oil lainnya, minyak daun sirih memiliki sifat antibakteri, antijamur, dan antiseptik yang sangat baik. Hal tersebut membantu essential oil ini untuk melawan berbagai kondisi. Termasuk pada kurap, infeksi jamur, dan bahkan serangan jerawat parah serta jerawat biasa.

Di sini, yang perlu kamu lakukan adalah menambahkan beberapa tetes essential oil daun sirih dengan minyak pendamping. Dalam hal ini, essential oil kelapa adalah pilihan yang sangat baik. Jangan ragu untuk menambahkan essential oil lainnya dengan sifat yang serupa. Kemudian, oleskan ramuan ke area yang bermasalah. Pastikan juga untuk mengoles pada area di sekitarnya.

  1. Meningkatkan mood dan mengangkat perasaan negatif

Jika kamu hatimu terasa biru, lesu, atau tidak bersemangat, essential oil daun sirih ini dapat membantu mengatasi hal ini juga.

Untuk sesi perawatan diri terbaik, tambahkan beberapa tetes essential oil ke dalam air mandi mu dan biarkan aromanya menenangkan dan membuat mu rileks.

Atau, ketika kamu perlu sedikit kesegaran, kamu juga bisa menghirup essential oil daun sirih langsung dari botolnya. Ini akan membantu untuk menenangkan dan memfokuskan kembali perhatian mu.

Seperti biasa, kamu juga bisa menambahkan beberapa tetes essential oil ini ke dalam diffuser. Lalu, biarkan kekuatan ajaibnya bekerja.

  1. Dapat berpotensi digunakan sebagai pembasmi serangga alami

Beberapa penelitian telah menemukan bahwa daun sirih pernah digunakan sebagai pencegahan dan pengobatan untuk malaria pada pedesaan di Malaysia. Dipercayai bahwa kandungan flavonoid dalam daun membantu hal ini. Ini karena pada flavonoid terlihat aktivitas insektisida yang kuat.

Jadi, untuk melindungi rumah, kamu bisa mencairkan beberapa tetes essential oil daun sirih dengan air. Kemudian, semprotkan ke seluruh bagian rumah termasuk karpet, furnitur, tirai, dan tempat tidur.

Kamu juga bisa mengencerkan essential oil ini dengan minyak pendamping dan memijatnya ke tubuhmu sebelum keluar rumah untuk mencegah gigitan nyamuk dan serangga.


Mencampur Essential Oil Piper Betle Dengan Essential Oil Lainnya

Essential oil daun sirih yang aromatik, menyengat, dan sedikit bau asap cocok dengan beberapa essential oil lainnya. Misalnya, cocok dipasangkan dengan essential oil yang agak herbal seperti lavender, rosemary, dan kapulaga (cardamom). Selain itu, sebagai dasar juga bisa menyatu dengan baik dengan essential oil pohon teh (tea tree), kayu putih (eucalyptus), kayu manis (cinnamon), dan essential oil cengkeh (clove).


Informasi Good-to-Know Lainnya

Seperti halnya semua essential oil, selalu dimulai dengan hati-hati. Oleskan sedikit pada bagian kecil kulit terlebih dahulu. Jika kamu tidak melihat iritasi, peradangan, dan alergi setelah 24 jam, maka, essential oil ini harusnya cocok untuk kamu gunakan.

Jika kamu memiliki kulit yang sensitif, jangan gunakan essential oil tanpa dicampur. Sebagai gantinya, campurkan dengan minyak pendamping terlebih dahulu untuk mengurangi risiko efek samping yang merugikan.


Apakah Essential Oil Daun Sirih Tepat Untuk Anda?

Sebuah kekuatan tersembunyi, essential oil daun sirih tidak diragukan lagi kalah populer dibanding essential oil lainnya. Namun, bagi mereka yang sudah mencoba essential oil ini akan menemukan bahwa sulit menolak pesonanya.


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