Kaffir Lime Essential Oil 10 ml

IDR Rp 89.100

From the leaves of the kefir lime tree comes kaffir lime oil, a rare citrus oil that has many useful purposes. It’s intensified level of anti-inflammatory compounds make it a natural pain reliever and fever reducer, while its stimulant compounds elevate mood and reduce stress levels. Skin that is acne prone will find relief with kefir lime oil as its astringent properties make it an ideal treatment. It also lessens the appearance of scars and wrinkles. Used on the scalp, it can stimulate hair growth and prevent dandruff and itchy scalp.
• Strong citrus aroma.
• Antibacterial and antifungal.
• Fights cellulite.

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From the leaves of the kefir lime tree comes kaffir lime oil, a rare citrus oil that has many useful purposes. It’s intensified level of anti-inflammatory compounds make it a natural pain reliever and fever reducer, while its stimulant compounds elevate mood and reduce stress levels. Skin that is acne prone will find relief with kefir lime oil as its astringent properties make it an ideal treatment. It also lessens the appearance of scars and wrinkles. Used on the scalp, it can stimulate hair growth and prevent dandruff and itchy scalp.
• Strong citrus aroma.
• Antibacterial and antifungal.
• Fights cellulite.


100% essential oil of kaffir lime leaf


Essential oils have the natural ability to heal, soothe, and stimulate. With antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties, essential oils have a wide variety of uses.

Sniff essential oils right from the bottle for an instant pick-me-up, to relive anxiety, or to induce relaxation. Add to carrier oil, such as jojoba, and use in a soothing massage. Place a few drops in diffuser to eliminate household odors. Add to cleaning products for more antibacterial and antimicrobial power. During cold and flu season, diffuse daily to stimulate immunity. Mix with carrier oil and apply to the skin to heal wounds. Add a drop or two to your face serum and apply daily to and protect skin against the signs of aging.

Before applying to skin, do a patch test.

How to patch test – Wash, clean, and dry the area on your upper arm near the crook of your elbow. Apply small amount of essential oil and cover with a bandage. Leave the bandage on for 24 hours, then remove and check for irritation. If skin looks clear and there is no reaction after the allotted test time, the oil is presumably safe to use. If you feel irritation at any time duringthe test, remove bandage and wash area with soap and water.

Kaffir Lime Essential Oil

If you are familiar with Southeast Asian cuisines, you are likely also already familiar with the flavor and aroma of kaffir lime essential oil. Tart yet sweet and uplifting, kaffir lime essential oil (Citrus hystrix) is not as commonly used in aromatherapy as other more popular essential oils like lavender and eucalyptus. But, if you ask us, it is a wonderful addition to your collection and you should definitely pick up a bottle of this essential oil.

Find out why we make this bold claim below as we cover everything from what exactly is kaffir lime essential oil to its many uses and benefits.

What is Kaffir Lime Essential Oil Made Of?

Kaffir lime is a tropical fruit native to the Southeast Asian countries of Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, and the Philippines. The kaffir plant is a thorny bush that grows up to around 35 feet tall with distinctively shaped leaves. As for the kaffir lime fruit itself, it is small in size — measuring only about 4 cm wide. Lime green in color with rough bumpy skin, the kaffir lime eventually ripens to yellow.

Due to its tart and lovely flavor, kaffir lime is popularly used in many Southeast Asian cuisines such as Tom Yum and stir-fries. Besides that, thanks to its scores of health benefits, kaffir lime (and its essential oil) is a common sight in herbal medicines, too. Plus, kaffir lime essential oil is also a fixture in many shampoos, soaps, fragrances, and cosmetic products.

How is Kaffir Lime Essential Oil Extracted?

There are actually two types of essential oils produced from the kaffir lime trees. The first is produced from the peels or rinds of the kaffir lime fruits and the other is extracted from the leaves of the trees.

The more common method to extract kaffir lime essential oil is through steam distillation. However, certain kaffir lime essential oil is extracted via the cold-pressed method, instead.

Benefits of Kaffir Lime Essential Oil

1.     A huge boost to the immune system

Kaffir lime essential oil’s rich antibacterial and antioxidant properties mean that the essential oil is an invaluable and powerful tool when it comes to boosting the immune system.

First, the topical application of this essential oil to wounds and cuts inhibits bacteria activity and also prevents infections. In addition to that, kaffir lime essential oil also helps to stimulate the immune system courtesy of its rich antioxidant activities.

2.     Provides relief for various respiratory issues

Kaffir lime essential oil is also utilized in aromatherapy to naturally aid with various respiratory issues. This includes conditions like colds, coughs, the flu, congestion, and bronchitis.

3.     Reduces stress and anxiety

Do not let the blues and negative feelings get to you. Instead, take advantage of kaffir lime essential oil’s stress-busting benefits. The essential oil has quite the reputation as being incredibly soothing and helpful in reducing stress, anxiety, and other nervous disorders.

Wind down after a long day by diffusing a few drops of kaffir lime essential oil around the room. The oil will help to calm you down and also make it easier to get ready for bedtime. Or, if you feel a panic attack is setting in, try to center and ground yourself by inhaling the essential oil’s soothing scent.

4.     Fosters good oral health

Kaffir lime is extremely beneficial when it comes to the protection of oral health. Traditionally, kaffir lime leaves are rubbed onto the gums to remove bacteria buildup and promote overall good oral health.

However, kaffir lime essential oil works just as effectively for this purpose, too. For example, a study has shown that lemongrass and kaffir lime essential oils demonstrate anti-fungi properties against Candida albicans.

To get started, mix a drop of the essential oil into your toothpaste or mouthwash to enjoy better dental health.

5.     Promotes healthy and glowing skin

As kaffir lime essential oil is loaded with antioxidants, it helps to replenish skin cells, moisturize, hydrate, and protect your skin from harmful UV radiation.

Along with that, its antioxidant compounds also put the brakes on the breakdown of cells and minimize scars, pimples, and age marks.

Now, you know why kaffir lime remains such a popular ingredient in many cosmetics and body care products. Of course, its glorious scent is a huge plus, too.

6.     Perfect as a hair treatment

Not only is kaffir lime essential oil excellent for the face and body but it is also great for your hair. The essential oil addresses conditions such as male pattern baldness, dandruff, and hair loss. In fact, many believe that it helps with the reduction of male pattern baldness by strengthening hair follicles.

With regular use, you will notice stronger and shinier tresses. Along with healthier hair and scalp, of course.

7.     As an effective cleaning agent

As a result of its acidity, kaffir lime essential oil is an extremely effective cleaning agent — similar to most citrus oils. Besides that, it can also very easily shift stubborn stains. Better yet, it leaves behind a clean and refreshing aroma that is just absolutely uplifting.

Simply mix 10 to 20 drops of the essential oil with some water and get to work. You can also substitute the water with vinegar, instead. This solution is also safe to be used in your kitchen.

8.     Naturally repels insects

Just like many other essential oils, kaffir lime essential oil is extremely effective in warding off insects. While the essential oil’s scent is heavenly to us, most insects and bugs cannot stand it.

To repel insects, mix a few drops of the kaffir lime essential oil with some water in a spray bottle. Spray the solution all over your home including the closets, curtains, bedsheets, carpets, and even in the pantry.

If you would like to use the oil to repel pesky insects from your person, instead, blend a few drops of the kaffir lime essential oil with a carrier oil like coconut oil, jojoba oil, or almond oil. Then, apply it all over your body.

Mixing Kaffir Lime Essential Oil with Other Essential Oils

Kaffir lime essential oil goes well with other citrus oils such as orange, lemon, and lime.

Besides that, this essential oil also adds an uplifting note to camphoraceous essentials oils including eucalyptus, frankincense, marjoram, rosemary, and camphor.

For a more soothing blend, consider complementing kaffir lime essential oil with floral scents such as jasmine, ylang-ylang, and lavender.

Other Good-to-Know Information

Due to the potency of kaffir lime essential oil, it is best to dilute the essential oil (with water or carrier oil) before using it. Otherwise, potential side effects include nausea, vomiting, dizziness, hives, heartburn, lightheadedness, and migraines.

As usual, to minimize the risk of allergies and irritations, always start by testing a small patch of skin first before using the essential oil on a larger area. Apply a small drop of the kaffir lime essential oil onto the inside of your elbow and cover it up with a bandage. If there is no adverse reaction after 24 hours, the essential oil should be a good fit for you.

Is Kaffir Lime Essential Oil Right for You?

With its tangy and sweet fragrant, kaffir lime essential oil is a favorite of many and it is very easy to understand why.

Additional information

Weight 100 g

Deskripsi Bahasa Indonesia

Essential Oil Jeruk Purut (Kaffir Lime)

Kalau kamu terbiasa dengan masakan Asia Tenggara, kemungkinan besar kamu juga sudah terbiasa dengan wangi dan aroma Essential Oil jeruk purut. Meskipun manis dan menyegarkan, Essential Oil jeruk purut (Citrus hystrix) tidak seperti yang biasa dipakai dalam aromaterapi seperti Essential Oil lainnya yang lebih populer seperti lavender dan eucalyptus. Tetapi, jika kamu bertanya pada kami, maka ini adalah tambahan yang bagus untuk koleksi mu dan sudah pasti harus dicoba.

Cari tahu mengapa kami bisa mengajukan pernyataan yang berani di bawah ini karena kami akan membahas semuanya mulai dari apa itu sebenarnya Essential Oil jeruk purut hingga banyak kegunaan dan manfaatnya.


Terbuat Dari Apakah Essential Oil Jeruk Purut?

Jeruk purut adalah buah tropis asli negara-negara Asia Tenggara seperti di Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, dan Filipina. Tanaman jeruk purut (kaffir lime) adalah semak berduri yang tumbuh setinggi kira-kira 10 meter dengan bentuk daun yang khas. Sedangkan untuk buah jeruk purut itu sendiri, ukurannya kecil – berukuran hanya sekitar 4 cm. Berwarna hijau limau dengan kulit kasar, warna jeruk purut yang matang berubah menjadi kuning.

Karena rasanya yang asam dan manis, jeruk purut populer digunakan di berbagai masakan Asia Tenggara seperti Tom Yum dan tumis-tumisan. Selain itu, berkat sejumlah manfaat kesehatannya, jeruk purut (dan Essential Oil-nya) juga sangat umum penggunaannya dalam obat-obatan herbal. Ditambah, Essential Oil jeruk purut juga merupakan bahan pelengkap di banyak sampo, sabun, wewangian, dan produk-produk kosmetik.


Bagaimana Essential Oil Jeruk Purut Diekstraksi?

Sebenarnya ada dua jenis Essential Oil yang dihasilkan dari pohon jeruk purut. Yang pertama diproduksi dari kulit atau kupasan buah jeruk purut dan yang lainnya diekstraksi dari daun pohon.

Metode yang lebih umum untuk mengekstrak Essential Oil jeruk purut adalah dengan melalui proses destilasi uap. Namun, Essential Oil jeruk purut tertentu diekstraksi melalui metode cold-pressed.


Manfaat Essential Oil jeruk purut

  1. Pendorong besar pada sistem kekebalan tubuh

Essential Oil jeruk purut kaya akan sifat antibakteri dan antioksidan yang berarti bahwa Essential Oil ini adalah benda yang sangat berharga dan ampuh ketika datang saat untuk meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh.

Pertama, mengoleskan Essential Oil ini pada luka dan lecet akan menghambat aktivitas bakteri dan juga mencegah infeksi. Selain itu, Essential Oil jeruk purut juga membantu merangsang sistem kekebalan tubuh karena aktivitas antioksidannya yang kaya.

  1. Memberikan bantuan untuk berbagai masalah pernapasan

Essential Oil jeruk purut juga digunakan dalam aromaterapi untuk secara alami membantu berbagai masalah pernapasan. Termasuk pada kondisi seperti pilek, batuk, flu, penyumbatan, dan bronkitis.

  1. Mengurangi stres dan kecemasan

Jangan biarkan perasaan lesu dan negatif menghampiri mu. Lebih baik, manfaatkan kemampuan Essential Oil jeruk purut yang bisa menghilangkan stres. Essential Oil ini memiliki reputasi yang lumayan dalam menenangkan dan membantu mengurangi stres, kecemasan, dan gangguan saraf lainnya.

Bersantai setelah hari yang panjang dengan menebarkan beberapa tetes Essential Oil jeruk purut di sekitar ruangan. Wangi minyak akan membantu menenangkan dan juga membuat mu lebih siap untuk tidur. Atau, kalau kamu merasakan serangan panik, cobalah untuk memusatkan dan mengistirahatkan diri dengan menghirup aroma Essential Oil yang menenangkan ini.

  1. Meningkatkan kesehatan mulut yang baik

Jeruk purut sangat bermanfaat untuk perlindungan pada kesehatan mulut. Secara tradisional, daun jeruk purut digosokkan ke gusi untuk menghilangkan penumpukan bakteri dan meningkatkan kesehatan mulut secara keseluruhan.

Namun, Essential Oil jeruk purut dapat bekerja sama efektifnya untuk tujuan ini. Sebagai contoh, sebuah penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa Essential Oil serai lemongrass dan jeruk purut memiliki sifat anti-jamur terhadap Candida albicans.

Untuk memulai, campurkan setetes Essential Oil ini ke pasta gigi atau obat kumur untuk mendapatkan kesehatan gigi yang lebih baik.

  1. Mempromosikan kulit yang sehat dan bercahaya

Karena Essential Oil jeruk purut mengandung antioksidan, minyak ini dapat membantu dalam regenerasi kembali sel-sel kulit, melembabkan, membuat kenyal, dan melindungi kulit kamu dari radiasi sinar UV yang berbahaya.

Bersamaan dengan itu, senyawa antioksidannya juga memperlambat kerusakan sel dan meminimalkan bekas luka, jerawat, dan tanda-tanda penuaan.

Sekarang kamu tahu mengapa jeruk purut tetap menjadi bahan yang populer di banyak produk kosmetik dan perawatan tubuh. Tentu saja, aromanya yang istimewa juga merupakan nilai tambah yang besar.

  1. Sempurna dalam merawat rambut

Essential Oil jeruk purut tidak hanya sangat baik untuk wajah dan tubuh tetapi juga bagus untuk rambut kamu. Essential Oil ini dapat mengatasi kondisi seperti pola kebotakan pada pria, ketombe, dan rambut rontok. Bahkan, banyak yang percaya bahwa minyak ini dapat membantu dalam mengurangi pola kebotakan pada pria dengan memperkuat folikel rambut.

Dengan penggunaan rutin, kamu akan melihat rambut yang lebih kuat dan berkilau. Seiring dengan rambut dan kulit kepala yang lebih sehat, tentu saja.

  1. Sebagai agen pembersih yang efektif

Karena kadar keasamannya, Essential Oil jeruk purut adalah agen pembersih yang sangat efektif – mirip dengan kebanyakan minyak jeruk-jerukan lainnya. Selain itu, dengan mudah bisa menghilangkan noda yang membandel. Ditambah lagi, ia meninggalkan aroma bersih dan menyegarkan yang benar-benar membangkitkan semangat.

Cukup campurkan 10 hingga 20 tetes Essential Oil ini dengan air dan siap digunakan. Kamu juga bisa mengganti air dengan cuka. Solusi ini juga aman untuk digunakan di dapur.

  1. Secara alami mengusir serangga

Sama seperti kebanyakan Essential Oil lainnya, Essential Oil jeruk purut sangat efektif dalam menangkal serangga. Sementara aromanya adalah surga bagi kita, sebagian besar serangga dan hama tidak akan tahan.

Untuk mengusir serangga, campurkan beberapa tetes Essential Oil jeruk purut dengan air dalam botol semprot. Semprotkan larutan di seluruh penjuru rumah termasuk lemari, gorden, seprai, karpet, hingga dapur.

Kalau kamu mau menggunakan minyak ini untuk mengusir serangga bandel, campurkan beberapa tetes Essential Oil jeruk purut dengan minyak pendamping seperti minyak kelapa, minyak jojoba, atau minyak almond. Lalu, oleskan ke seluruh tubuh mu.


Mencampur Essential Oil Jeruk Purut dengan Essential Oil Lainnya

Essential Oil jeruk purut cocok dengan minyak jeruk-jerukan lainnya seperti jeruk (orange), lemon, dan jeruk nipis (lime).

Selain itu, Essential Oil ini juga dapat memberi nilai tambah pada essential oil beraroma kamper seperti eucalyptus, frankincense, marjoram, rosemary, dan kapur barus.

Untuk campuran yang lebih menenangkan, pertimbangkan untuk menambahkan Essential Oil jeruk purut ini dengan aroma flora seperti melati, ylang-ylang, dan lavender.


Informasi Good-to-Know Lainnya

Karena potensi yang ada dalam Essential Oil jeruk purut, yang terbaik dilakukan adalah mengencerkan essential oil (dengan air atau minyak pendamping) sebelum menggunakannya. Jika tidak, maka berpotensi memberi efek samping termasuk mual, muntah, pusing, gatal-gatal, mulas, sakit kepala ringan, dan migrain.

Seperti biasa, untuk meminimalkan risiko alergi dan iritasi, selalu mulai dengan menguji sepetak kecil di kulit terlebih dahulu sebelum menggunakan essential oil pada area yang lebih besar. Oleskan setetes essential oil jeruk purut ke bagian dalam siku lalu tutupi dengan perban. Jika tidak ada reaksi negatif setelah 24 jam, essential oil harusnya cocok untuk kamu gunakan.


Apakah Essential Oil Jeruk Purut Tepat untuk Kamu?

Dengan wangi yang tajam dan manis, essential oil jeruk purut menjadi favorit banyak orang dan sangat mudah dimengerti alasannya.


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