Body oils offer you a good way to keep your skin moisturized while also allowing your mind to relax and improve your overall health. Body oils are smooth and thick and are highly concentrated liquids. Typically, they are not water-based. Instead, these oils often mimic the natural oils that are found in our skin, so it is more readily absorbed.

Use Body Oil for Massage and Moisturizing

Body oil is very versatile and can be used as a massage oil as well as a moisturizer. When used in massage, it can effectively condition and soften the skin while also keeping it moisturized. The oil is also easy to apply because it glides smoothly over the skin. It absorbs quickly, but there is no need to continuously reapply the oil.

How are Body Oils Made?

Body oils are made with pure essential oils and are then diluted with a carrier oil like coconut oil or soya. You can also infuse these oils with herbs and other spices like lavender, calendula flowers, and lemon balm to enhance its therapeutic benefits.

Body oils will typically contain approximately 15 drops of essential oil that have been diluted in 12 teaspoons of carrier oil.

Essential Oils for Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy body oils can be used in a bath, for massage, or simply to moisturize and condition the skin. When you use essential oils for aromatherapy, you are supporting and balancing your mind, body, and spirit. You are effectively increasing your overall quality of life while reducing stress and anxiety at the same time.

DIY Body Oils

The following are just a few easy DIY body oil recipes you can try at home with some of your favorite essential oils.

For Dry Skin

What you need:

4 drops of Cedarwood Himalayan

4 drops of Patchouli

4 drops of Myrrh

60 ml of Sweet Almond Oil

To keep your skin moisturized, combine all three essential oils and the sweet almond oil. Mix well and rub on skin.

Sensitive Skin

What you need:

5 drops of Rosehip oil

9 drops of Chamomile oil

60 ml of coconut oil

For itchy or sensitive skin, combine the essential oils with the coconut oil. Mix well and rub on skin.

To Nourish the Skin

What you need:

24 drops of Lavender oil

6 drops of Clary Sage oil

18 drops of Lemon oil

120 ml of any carrier oil (coconut or jojoba oil)

Combine all essential oils with the carrier oil of your choice. Coconut or jojoba oil will work well as a carrier with these essential oils. Once everything is mixed, you can rub it into the skin after cleansing to nourish and tone.

Body oil is a good way to moisturize and nourish the skin while also taking full advantage of everything essential oils have to offer your overall health and wellness.

Meta: body oils are very versatile and can help moisturize and condition the skin while allowing you to take advantage of its aromatherapeutic benefits.


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