Jojoba Oil 30 ml

IDR Rp 151.400

Jojoba oil (pronounced ho-ho-ba) is a liquid that comes from the seed of the jojoba plant that is native to the southwest United States. It’s a rich emollient that has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years. Jojoba oil contains acids that have antiseptic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties that heal and protect the skin. Works well as a carrier oil for other essential oils

Jojoba oil can restore a youthful glow, reduce wrinkles, and fade the appearance of age spots, making it a perfect anti-aging remedy.

19 in stock


Jojoba oil (pronounced ho-ho-ba) is a liquid that comes from the seed of the jojoba plant that is native to the southwest United States. It’s a rich emollient that has been used in traditional medicine for thousands of years. Jojoba oil contains acids that have antiseptic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties that heal and protect the skin. Works well as a carrier oil for other essential oils.

Jojoba oil can restore a youthful glow, reduce wrinkles, and fade the appearance of age spots, making it a perfect anti-aging remedy.

    • Softening and moisturizing for your hair, skin, and scalp – it can form a fine protective film on the skin and the hair to prevent transepidermal waterloss.
    • Removes excess sebum from the scalp
    • Treats dandruff
    • Close to the skin’s own natural sebum
    • Antibacterial and antifungal
    • Make up remover
    • Anti-inflammatory
    • Treats eczema and psoriasis
    • Great base for alcohol free perfume
    • Helps reverse hair loss


Simmondsia Chinensis (Jojoba) Seed Oil


can be used as a face serum to be applied once or twice a day. To use, apply several drops to fingertips and smooth over face in an upward, circular motion. Take extra care around the eye area.

Pro tip – Serums can also be used on the hair, or mixed with essential oils to create a custom blend. These are also carrier oils and can be used as such.

Additional information

Weight 100 g

Deskripsi Bahasa Indonesia

Minyak jojoba (diucapkan ho-ho-ba) adalah minyak yang berasal dari benih tanaman jojoba yang asli dari barat daya Amerika Serikat. Minyak ini merupakan emolien kaya yang telah digunakan dalam pengobatan tradisional selama ribuan tahun. Minyak jojoba mengandung asam yang memiliki antiseptik, antioksidan, dan sifat anti-inflamasi yang menyembuhkan dan melindungi kulit. Bekerja dengan baik sebagai minyak pendamping untuk essential oil lainnya. Minyak jojoba dapat mengembalikan cahaya muda pada kulit, mengurangi keriput, dan memudarkan penampakan bintik-bintik hitam, menjadikannya obat anti-penuaan yang sempurna. Melembutkan dan melembabkan pada rambut, kulit tubuh dan kulit kepala – ia dapat membentuk lapisan pelindung halus pada kulit dan rambut untuk mencegah hilangnya kandungan air pada rambut.

    • Menghilangkan kelebihan minyak dari kulit kepala
    • Anti ketombe
    • Mirip dengan minyak alami pada kulit Antibakteri dan anti jamur
    • Menghilangkan make up
    • Anti-inflamasi
    • Meringankan eksim dan psoriasis
    • Basis yang bagus untuk dipakai pada parfum bebas alkohol
    • Membantu mengembalikan rambut rontok

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