If you are prone to breakouts, then having a good skincare routine in place is essential to preventing breakouts from happening in the future. A good skincare regimen can help remove excess oil from the skin, keep your pores clean and free of clogs, and can even help speed up the healing process for any existing blemishes you may have.

For your skincare routine to be effective, it does not need to be overly complicated or complex in the least. All you have to do is follow a few simple tips and tricks and use 100% natural skincare solutions for fresh, healthy, and clear skin free of acne and other blemishes.

4-Step Skincare Routine

Following an easy four-step skincare routine can help get you on the right track. Step one is simply cleansing the skin gently and thoroughly. You can then apply an astringent or toner to the skin and then use an acne spot treatment and finally apply a moisturizer.

If you follow these steps and use only 100% natural skincare solutions, you will feel more refreshed and your skin will feel much cleaner. Tea tree oil makes a great spot treatment for acne blemishes.

The Do’s and Don’ts

Now you need to understand a few things you should do and a few things you should avoid when creating your new skincare regimen to combat acne breakouts.

Do Cleanse Gently

When cleansing your skin, it is best to use the tips of your fingers or a soft washcloth. When cleansing, make sure to get  your jawline, neck, and around the ears. Never use a rough pad and don’t scrub your skin too aggressively because doing so can cause redness and irritation.

Do Use a Toner or Astringent

These are helpful for removing excess oil from the skin while also toning and hydrating the skin. Witch hazel is a natural astringent you can use on the face and it is gentle, yet effective. Simply apply some witch hazel to a cotton ball and gently smooth it over your face.

Don’t Use Over the Counter Acne Treatments

Most over the counter acne treatments contain harsh chemicals and other ingredients that can dry out your skin or leave it red and irritated. Witch hazel, tea tree oil, lemongrass, and lavender essential oils are all effective and more natural remedies to use to cleanse the face and treat acne breakouts.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, you don’t need to buy expensive products for your acne-prone skin. Instead, stock up with a few 100% natural skincare solutions as we have laid out above to create a healthy and regular skincare regimen that can help clear up your skin and leave you with a healthy and even complexion.

Meta: If you are prone to acne breakouts, then it is important to find a skincare routine that can help cleanse the skin while also healing the damage left behind by blemishes.



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