Supa Dupa Yoga Mat Spray 1 Liter

IDR Rp 454.400

Essential oils have long been used for their antibacterial and antifungal properties. Their ability to kill germs that cause unpleasant odors makes them perfect for use on your yoga mat or other material that needs freshening. Supa Dupa yoga mat spray has a clean scent that disinfects and deodorizes, perfect for getting you and your mat ready for the next session. This spray can also be used as a multi-purpose spray. Use it to spray your linens, shoes, or your car. The warm scents of cinnamon and clove oils stimulate your metabolism, while cool lemon removes tension.

    • Essential oils disinfect and deodorize.
    • Use for yoga mat or any item that needs freshening.
    • Fresh, clean scent.

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Essential oils have long been used for their antibacterial and antifungal properties. Their ability to kill germs that cause unpleasant odors makes them perfect for use on your yoga mat or other material that needs freshening. Supa Dupa yoga mat spray has a clean scent that disinfects and deodorizes, perfect for getting you and your mat ready for the next session. This spray can also be used as a multi-purpose spray. Use it to spray your linens, shoes, or your car. The warm scents of cinnamon and clove oils stimulate your metabolism, while cool lemon removes tension.

    • Essential oils disinfect and deodorize.
    • Use for yoga mat or any item that needs freshening.
    • Fresh, clean scent.

ingredients :

Alcohol, Water, Essential Oil Cinnamon, Lemon, Clove

How To Use :

Spray onto yoga mat before or after each session to eliminate bacteria and other common odors. Allow to dry completely before use. Pro tip – Can be used as an all-purpose spray in the home. Use on linens, furniture, and bedding to keep them smelling fresh and free from odor causing bacteria.

Uses / benefit :

a multifunctions spray, not only for yoga mat but also any type of your stuff, as a dissinfectant and removes bad odour . With essential oils blend gives an extra protection from germs

Additional information

Weight 2000 g

Deskripsi Bahasa Indonesia

Essential oil telah lama digunakan karena sifat antibakteri dan anti jamur mereka. Kemampuan mereka untuk membunuh kuman yang menyebabkan bau yang tidak menyenangkan membuat mereka sempurna untuk digunakan pada yoga mat atau bahan lain yang memerlukan kesegaran. Supa Dupa Yoga Mat Spray ini memiliki aroma bersih dengan fungsi desinfeksi dan menghilangkan bau tak sedap, sempurna untuk menyiapkan kamu dan yoga mat mu untuk sesi berikutnya. Semprotan ini juga dapat digunakan sebagai semprotan multiguna. Gunakan untuk menyemprot sprei, sepatu, atau mobil mu. Aroma hangat dari kayu manis dan minyak cengkeh merangsang metabolisme tubuhmu, sementara lemon yang dingin meredakan ketegangan.

    • Essential oil untuk fungsi desinfeksi dan pengharum.
    • Gunakan untuk yoga mat atau barang apa pun yang perlu disegarkan.
    • Segar, dengan aroma yang bersih.

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