If you already use a yoga mat spray, then you are probably already well aware of the benefits of having this spray in hand. However, there are many other applications you may be surprised about when it comes to how you can utilize your yoga mat spray.

What’s In a Yoga Mat Spray?

There are many different varieties of yoga mat spray you can choose from, and each one has its own set of benefits. Essential oils have been used for years due to their antibacterial and antifungal properties, and for this reason, they make a great yoga mat spray. Not only can the spray eliminate any unpleasant odors, but it is also good for disinfecting your mat as well so it is ready to go for the next day.

Let’s take a look at some other ways you can use your yoga mat spray:

Shoe Spray

Since many essential oils can kill germs and get rid of smelly and unpleasant odors, it makes the ideal solution to use to spray down your shoes. It offers a great burst of freshness to anything that requires a good refreshing.

Lavender is often used as an antiseptic and disinfectant to help sterilize surfaces. It also offers a light and pleasant scent and is also often used in cleaning products.

Linen Spray

If you have linens around the home that can use a good refreshing, then your yoga mat spray will become useful. Simply spray down any linens around the home and bask in the fresh scent.

Again, lavender is a good essential oil to use for disinfecting, but it can also be useful to induce pleasant dreams and a more restful night. So, spraying down your bed linens and pillows is a good way to start your night.

Cleaning Toys and Furniture

To sterilize and clean your kid’s playpen and other equipment, you can use your yoga mat spray is a quick and easy solution. Not only will it sterilize everything, but it will also leave you with a clean and refreshing scent.

The energizing yoga mat spray, for example, contains lemon, bergamot, and mint oils. Spray down the equipment and allow everything to dry. It can be used as an all-purpose spray around the home and helps eliminate odors and bacteria.

Toilet Refresher

This yoga mat spray can also be used a way to refresh the toilets in the home as well since it is useful at eliminating bacteria and odors.

Citrus oils have been used for cleaning areas in the home for years because of the pleasant scent they leave behind as well as being potent enough to destroy bacteria, funguses, and viruses that may be lingering in the home.

As you can see, there are many ways you can use your yoga mat spray, so you might want to keep a bottle in your gym bag as well as in your home to defend against odors and bacteria.

Meta: yoga mat spray is a versatile solution you can use for a variety of different applications around the home including cleaning and disinfecting, ridding your home of odors, and killing bacteria.


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