You might know a little bit about palm oil, or you might know a lot about it, but if know nothing about how it’s impacting the planet, you might want to think twice before you consume it.

It’s An Edible Oil

Palm oil can be found in a variety of food products such as coffee creamers, margarine, baked goods, and cereals. It can also be used for cooking since its smoke point is 232° C (450° F). Palm oil is popular with manufacturers because it is inexpensive and has the ability to resist rancidity. Consuming this oil can potentially increase the risk of heart disease, however, and more people have turned away from it in recent years. There are many reasons beyond heart health, however, that make the use of palm oil troubling.

The Dangerous Impacts

The majority of palm oil production comes from Malaysia and Indonesia, where tropical forests and peatland have been destroyed to make room for growing palm oil plantations. The destruction of these forests has had a negative effect on:

  • The Environment – The burning of the forests and undergrowth emit mass quantities of smoke, making Indonesia the 3rd highest greenhouse gas emitter in the world. And native orangutans play a vital role in the health of the ecosystem by germinating rainforest seeds in their guts that are essential for the existence of the forest, but an estimated 1000-1500 orangutans are killed each year to make way for palm oil developments.
  • Animals – During deforestation, animals are killed, injured, and displaced. By destroying forests and creating construction roads for plantation workers, poachers and smugglers have better access to capture and kill their prey. Animals such as the orangutan, Sumatran Tiger, Sumatran Rhinoceros, Sun Bear, Pygmy Elephant, Clouded Leopard, and Proboscis Monkey are affected and are considered at high-risk.
  • People – Palm production can create an economy in these areas, but corporations often take away land owned by indigenous people and reduce their quality of life. Child labour has been a problem in palm oil production as they receive little to no money for their back-breaking efforts. Even adults are forced into unsafe working conditions with barely enough pay to survive.

The Bali Skin Care Way

Palm oil can often be found in cosmetic products, shampoos and conditioners, moisturizers, and cleansers. Bali Skin Care is committed to using only natural products of the highest quality, and the mantra at Bali Skin Care is to respect and work in harmony with humanity, nature, and the divine. This is why you won’t find palm oil in any of our products.

  • Our body lotions are all made from essential oils, coconut oil, and beeswax to provide natural moisture with no synthetics.
  • Our Shampoo #6 is SLS free, made with cocoa butter and coconut oil.
  • Even our home cleaning House Soap is palm oil free.

Thinking about your health and the health of the planet is important, so choose companies that think the same way.


META – Bali skin care believes in natural skincare and beauty products that respect nature and humanity, which is why our products don’t include palm oil.


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