Oil cleansing is a natural skincare solution that is suitable for all skin types. Having clear and balanced skin is essential for its look and feel and using oil to cleanse the skin is a good way to keep the skin hydrated and moisturized.

Surfactants that you can typically find in most foaming products can be harsh on the skin and can even dry it out. However, oils contain ingredients that are more soothing and more effective than traditional cleansers. If you have oily skin, then you should use a cleansing oil that contains grape seed, argan, lavender, or coconut oils, for example.

For dry skin, oils containing avocado, jojoba, and sunflower oil are ideal, and rosemary is also good for calming the skin as well.

How Do You Oil Cleanse?

Once you have determined your skin type, you can then begin oil cleansing your skin. To do this, you can first apply a warm and damp washcloth to the face for approximately twenty seconds and then with clean hands, massage the oil into your skin. The oil will help to rid your skin of any dirt and grime that has accumulated over the day.

Once the oil has been massaged into the skin, you can then use a warm, damp washcloth to gently wipe the oil off of your face. When doing the oil cleansing method, you only need to use about half a teaspoon of oil or a quarter size amount. Place it into the palms of your hands and rub your hands together before applying the oil to your face.

When massaging the oil into your skin, it is recommended that you use circular motions and massage it in for thirty seconds or any amount of time up to the two minute mark. Doing so will give the oil ample time to penetrate the skin. When applying the oil to your face, you should also concentrate on your more troublesome areas.

In addition to the above steps, you can also place a warm washcloth over your face and leave the washcloth in place until it reaches room temperature. You should do this immediately following the application of the oil. Once the towel has cooled, you can then use it to wipe the oil from your face. This step can be repeated one to two more times if you desire.

Once you are done, you may find that there is still a light layer of oil that is left on your skin. This is so that you have that layer of oil to further balance and protect your skin. However, if you find that your skin feels tight, you can use a small amount of the cleansing oil to apply to the face or you can use a hydrating oil.

Basic Oil Cleansing Recipe

For oily skin: one part castor oil and two parts olive or sunflower oil.

For combination skin: one part hazelnut oil and three parts olive or jojoba oil.

For sensitive skin: one part virgin coconut oil, one part grapeseed oil, one part reship oil, one part jojoba oil.

For dry skin: one part castor oil, 3 parts jojoba oil, and six parts virigin coconut oil.

For acne: two parts castor oil, 4 parts jojoba oil, and 4 parts grapeseed oil.


Meta: Oil cleansing is a great way to clean and hydrate your skin while also balancing and protecting it.


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