With flu season fast approaching, you may have started already seeking out more natural alternatives to help fight those nasty bugs from taking up residence in your home.

Essential oils are one such alternative that can be very useful when it comes to fighting off coughs and colds. The following are five of the best essential oils you can use if you have a cold along with instructions on how to use them.

Fighting Sickness

The following five essential oils are great when you are looking to fight any sickness before it actually has the chance to sneak its way into your home.

Eucalyptus, lemon, tea tree, peppermint, and lavender are the five most popular when it comes to colds and the flu. They also have a calming and sedative effect when diffused in the home and can help make sure that you get the sleep you need to fight off any sickness.

In addition to these five, Cajeput Essential Oil is also effective and is actually the Indonesian eucalyptus and can be found within that same family. Cajeput oil can help treat colds and headaches and can also help loosen phlegm.

Essential oils are a good alternative to medication and traditional medicine, and they can also help you sleep, treat viral infections, reduce fever, and even reduce your risk of a cold.

To promote relaxation and sleep, lavender and chamomile are good to use. You will also find that eucalyptus contains antiviral and antimicrobial properties to help fight off viruses that threaten your health.

Essential Oils to Treat a Cold

If you have already gotten sick and the time for prevention has passed, there are five essential oils you can use to help treat your symptoms and provide some relief.

As with prevention, eucalyptus and cajeput oil are also good for treating colds and congestion. Cajeput oil and mint can also help clear sinuses,  so it is an essential oil you will want to use before, during, and even after your sickness.

Lemongrass Essential Oil can help reduce any fever you may have while also helping to relieve muscle aches and pains often associated with the cold and flu.

Peppermint essential oil can help cool your body down and stimulate blood flow. This essential oil contains menthol which can also act as an effective pain reliever and can reduce inflammation. The oil plays off our body’s natural receptors and can even detect temperature changes.

Ginger Essential Oil is also good when you are sick because it promotes strength and wellbeing for the body and mind. It is also good for the respiratory system and helps relieve any nausea you may be experiencing.

Finally, Tea Tree  Essential Oil is good for stimulating your nervous system and is packed full of helpful antibacterial, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties that can help treat your symptoms and boost your immune system to get you feeling better much faster.


Meta: Essential oils like lavender, cajeput oil, and eucalyptus are useful when it comes to treating and preventing cold and flu symptoms.


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