Understanding our skin type is the first step to proper care, and treatment. Our skin comes in a variety of differing types. The most common types are normal, dry, sensitive, and oily. Oily skin known in its medical term as sebum. It can be tricky to take care of, getting your face to not shine like it’s made from glossy plastic is a constant battle that involves constantly dabbing your face with tissue. Common hallmarks of the condition include enlarged pores, and a thicker feeling complexion.

All the surfaces in our skin with the exception of the soles or our feet, and palm of our hands contain sebaceous glands. These are the glands responsible for producing oil on our skin. The facial areas where we tend to get the most oil have the most amounts of sebaceous glands. These glands lie beneath the surface of our skin, this layer of skin is known as the dermis layer.

Skin oil actually plays an important role in protecting your skin. These natural oils help protect your skin from the environment, and keep it hydrated. This protective layer is known as the acid mantle, it allows the epidermal (outer layer) cells, and hairs to lie flat. This stops the skin from drying out, causing irritation, and sensitivity. However, when the sebaceous glands overwork it comes with the undesired effects of overly oily skin. This balance between having adequate oil on your skin, and have too much can be challenging to manage. Too much oil on your skin can block, and clog up pores. This causes pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads.

There are varying factors that can cause oily skin. A big component is your genetic makeup, mainly relating to your bodies productions of DHT(dihydrotestosterone). This hormone starts to show up during puberty, it’s also the reason your skin can be oilier and spotty during this period with your hormones on a rampage during puberty. Weather conditions can also greatly affect your skin. Being in hot or humid climates can lead your skin to produce excess oil. Being highly stressed can also mess with your hormonal balance, causing you to break out. Stress causes the production of the cortisol hormone which in turn helps cause oily skin.

Knowing that you have oily skin it is important to use the right kind of face wash. One specifically tailored towards oily skin. You should generally go for less heavy face washes, one that is paraben, oil, and perfume free. Common sense might make you think that washing your face more often to get rid of the oil will work best, but this actually has the reverse effect, and causes your body to produce more oil. This is due to a lot of the harsh chemicals in the soap stripping your face of its natural oil. Your body confuses this with a an opposing reaction, and produce more sebum than usual. When washing your face, make sure to keep it to 2 times a day max.

As with most things lifestyle, and diet also play a role here. Consumption of dairy especially can have adverse effects on your skin. Dairy causes up 60 different hormones in your body to have increased levels, these include testosterone, and progesterone. Drinking excess amounts of alcohol can also play havoc on your skin. On the positive end of the spectrum exercise can help alleviate skin problems. By promoting blood flow, your skin cells will be nourished. This is done via blood carrying vital nutrients and oxygen to the cells, as well as rid harmful waste products. We mentioned stress as a factor, and exercise is also beneficial here, as it eases stress. As for your diet, it should consist of various fruits and vegetables, foods high in omega-3, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats such as those found in fish and avocados. And drink water, lots, and lots of water.

Beauty routines can backfire, heavy makeup or make up unsuited to your skin can clog your pores up. When your pores are clog up, the moisture gets locked up inside, this causes your body to go into overdrive, and produce excessive oil as a panic response. While this can affect all skin types, those with oily skin have to be especially cautious, even heavy creams can clog up your pores. Make sure to use a lighter moisturizing cream or oil. If you’re looking for a skin care routine to help with excess sebum, try our skincare routine that is guaranteed to be made only from natural ingredients, and free from harsh skin irritants such as parabens, to help keep your skin from an overproduction of oil.


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