Cocoa Lip Balm 5 gr

IDR Rp 26.900

Made with virgin coconut oil (VCO) that hydrates, protects, and fights the signs of aging. Your lips get excellent care from this natural lip balm. Cocoa butter moisturizes and adds a heavenly chocolate scent, while vanilla pod adds a depth of warmth sweetness to the flavor. Contains no artificial ingredients that can be harsh on the lips and cause irritation. Since there are no synthetic binders, the cocoa butter will sometimes separate from the coconut oil causing white spots. This is perfectly natural.
With ingredients like cinnamon bark and beeswax, your lips will look and feel healthy and beautiful. Can be used daily; apply as needed.

    • Protects, soothes, and moisturizes.
    • Cool chocolate and warm vanilla scent and flavor.
    • Mild enough for sensitive skin.

50 in stock

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Made with virgin coconut oil (VCO) that hydrates, protects, and fights the signs of aging. Your lips get excellent care from this natural lip balm. Cocoa butter moisturizes and adds a heavenly chocolate scent, while vanilla pod adds a depth of warmth sweetness to the flavor. Contains no artificial ingredients that can be harsh on the lips and cause irritation. Since there are no synthetic binders, the cocoa butter will sometimes separate from the coconut oil causing white spots. This is perfectly natural.
With ingredients like cinnamon bark and beeswax, your lips will look and feel healthy and beautiful. Can be used daily; apply as needed.

    • Protects, soothes, and moisturizes.
    • Cool chocolate and warm vanilla scent and flavor.
    • Mild enough for sensitive skin.


Cocos Nucifera (Coconut) Oil, Vanilla Planifolia (Vanilla) Pod, Beeswax, Theobroma Cacao (Cocoa) Seed Butter, Cinnamomum (Cinnamon) Bark


cocoa butter as dominant component, and flavor comes from vanilla pod and cinnamon bark, helps moisturize lips, very mild, can be used in sensitive lips

Additional information

Weight 50 g

Deskripsi Bahasa Indonesia

Terbuat dari virgin coconut oil (VCO) yang menghidrasi, melindungi, dan melawan tanda-tanda penuaan. Bibirmu akan mendapat perawatan yang sangat baik dari lip balm alami ini. Cocoa butter yang melembabkan dan menambah aroma cokelat surgawi, sedangkan vanilla pod nya menambah intensitas kehangatan dan rasa manis. Tidak mengandung bahan sintetis yang keras pada bibir dan bisa menyebabkan iritasi. Karena tidak ada pengikat sintetis, cocoa butter kadang-kadang bisa terpisah dari minyak kelapa yang menyebabkan munculnya bintik-bintik putih. Hal ini sangatlah alami.

Dengan bahan-bahan seperti kulit kayu manis dan beeswax, bibirmu akan terlihat dan terasa sehat dan indah. Dapat digunakan setiap hari; gunakan sesuai kebutuhan.

    • Melindungi, menenangkan, dan melembabkan.
    • Aroma cokelat yang sejuk dan rasa vanilla yang hangat.
    • Cukup ringan untuk kulit sensitif.

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