Refill Castile Soap Antiseptic 230 ml

USD $ 10.80

This is our refill option for our liquid soaps. Only 9% of plastic is recycled globally, we want to make it easy for you to Refill and Reuse your packing. This Refill option is in aluminium packaging so you can easily recycle it.

Keeping hands clean is essential in reducing the spread of illness and germs. Antiseptic liquid soap is formulated specially to wash away dirt, grime, and germs. The coconut oil base hydrates while providing anti-aging, antibacterial, and antifungal properties that soothe, protect, and heal the skin. Castor oil contains germicidal and disinfectant properties and can soothe dry skin. Essential oils such as patchouli, citronella, ginger, and cinnamon provide a warm and clean scent that makes your skin, and home, smell fresh.

    • All natural soap made with coconut and castor oils.
    • Synthetic and palm oil free.
    • Contains essential oils that have antiseptic qualities to kill germs.

5 in stock

SKU: LS/AF-0230/RF Category: Tags: , ,


This is our refill option for our liquid soaps. Only 9% of plastic is recycled globally, we want to make it easy for you to Refill and Reuse your packing. This Refill option is in aluminium packaging so you can easily recycle it.

Keeping hands clean is essential in reducing the spread of illness and germs. Antiseptic liquid soap is formulated specially to wash away dirt, grime, and germs. The coconut oil base hydrates while providing anti-aging, antibacterial, and antifungal properties that soothe, protect, and heal the skin. Castor oil contains germicidal and disinfectant properties and can soothe dry skin. Essential oils such as patchouli, citronella, ginger, and cinnamon provide a warm and clean scent that makes your skin, and home, smell fresh.

    • All natural soap made with coconut and castor oils.
    • Synthetic and palm oil free.
    • Contains essential oils that have antiseptic qualities to kill germs.


Cocos Nucifera (Coconut) Oil, Ricinus Communis (Castor) Oil, Potassium Hydroxide, Neem Oil, Cananga Oil, Cubeb Oil, Fennel Oil, Ginger Oil, Nutmeg Oil, Vetivert Oil, Clove bud Oil, Cinnamon Oil, Patchouli Oil, Benzoin extract, Citronella Oil, Citric Acid


natural liquid soap, made with coconut oil and castor oil, palm oil free, and synthetic material free; essential oil blend and neem oil as natural antiseptic effect, the activity in combating several germs has been tested in vitro

Additional information

Weight 500 g

Deskripsi Bahasa Indonesia

Ini adalah pilihan isi ulang kami untuk Liquid Soap Antiseptic. Hanya 9% plastik yang didaur ulang secara global, kami ingin memudahkan Anda untuk Mengisi Ulang dan Menggunakan Kembali kemasan Anda. Opsi Refill ini dikemas dalam kemasan aluminium sehingga Anda dapat dengan mudah mendaur ulangnya.
Menjaga tangan supaya tetap bersih penting banget untuk mengurangi penyebaran penyakit dan kuman. Sabun cair antiseptik ini diformulasikan khusus untuk membersihkan kotoran, bakteri, dan kuman.
Basis minyak kelapa nya melembabkan sekaligus bersifat anti-penuaan, antibakteri, dan antijamur yang menenangkan, melindungi, dan menyembuhkan kulit.
Castor oil mengandung sifat-sifat anti-kuman dan desinfektan dan dapat mengatasi kulit kering.
Essential oil seperti patchouli (nilam), citronella (sereh), jahe, dan kayu manis memberi kesan hangat dan bersih yang membuat kulit dan rumahmu, beraroma segar.

    • Sabun berbahan alami yang terbuat dari minyak kelapa dan castor oil.
    • Bebas dari bahan sintetis dan minyak kelapa sawit.
    • Mengandung minyak esensial yang memiliki kualitas antiseptik untuk membunuh kuman.

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