Temple Spice Incense small 6 sticks

USD $ 2.77

People have burned incense for thousands of years for ceremonial, meditational, and therapeutic purposes. The fragrant smoke that is released upon burning incense has many properties that are pleasing to the senses.
Made with pure essential oils and natural ingredients that are locally sourced, the aroma of Temple Spice incense is warm and soothing. As the first product developed by Utama Spice, it continues to assist in meditation for its ability to sharpen focus and center the mind. The addition of vetiver oil soothes anxiety and clams the nerves.

    • 100% natural ingredients.
    • Warm, spicy scent.
    • Good for meditation and focus.

5 in stock

SKU: SD/TS-0006/BXUS Categories: , Tags: , ,


People have burned incense for thousands of years for ceremonial, meditational, and therapeutic purposes. The fragrant smoke that is released upon burning incense has many properties that are pleasing to the senses.
Made with pure essential oils and natural ingredients that are locally sourced, the aroma of Temple Spice incense is warm and soothing. As the first product developed by Utama Spice, it continues to assist in meditation for its ability to sharpen focus and center the mind. The addition of vetiver oil soothes anxiety and clams the nerves.

    • 100% natural ingredients.
    • Warm, spicy scent.
    • Good for meditation and focus.


Bamboo, Coconut Charcoal, Benzoin Resin, Essential Oils (Cananga, Ginger, Clove, Patchouli)


a special incense with 100% natural ingredients, pure essential oil blend give a unique aroma and helps to center our mind, good for meditation

Additional information

Weight 100 g

Deskripsi Bahasa Indonesia

Manusia telah membakar dupa selama ribuan tahun lamanya untuk tujuan seremonial, meditasi, dan terapi. Asap harum yang dilepaskan pada saat dupa dibakar memiliki banyak properti yang menenteramkan indera. Terbuat dari essential oil murni dan bahan-bahan alami yang bersumber secara lokal, Aroma dupa Temple Spice hangat dan menenangkan. Sebagai produk pertama yang dikembangkan oleh Utama Spice, produk ini selalu membantu dalam sesi meditasi berkat kemampuannya untuk mempertajam fokus dan memusatkan pikiran. Penambahan minyak Vetiver di dalamnya meredakan rasa cemas dan menenangkan saraf.

• 100% terbuat dari bahan alami.
• Aroma hangat dan pedas.
• Baik untuk meditasi dan fokus.


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