Rose Allure Body Lotion 100 ml

USD $ 4.80

The scent of rose geranium oil has an overall balancing effect on the body and mind, making Rose Allure lotion perfect for use in the morning or before bedtime. Rose geranium oil also reduces the look of stretch marks without using harsh chemicals.

Coconut oil is a known anti-aging wonder that locks in moisture and hydrates the skin. It also reduces the appearance of age spots and blemishes. With antimicrobial properties, it soothes and heals skin irritations, leaving you with beautiful skin that glows.

  • Natural ingredients.
  • Moisturizes and hydrates the skin.
  • Use in the morning or before bedtime.

19 in stock

SKU: LT/RS-0100/PL Categories: , ,


The scent of rose geranium oil has an overall balancing effect on the body and mind, making Rose Allure lotion perfect for use in the morning or before bedtime. Rose geranium oil also reduces the look of stretch marks without using harsh chemicals.

Coconut oil is a known anti-aging wonder that locks in moisture and hydrates the skin. It also reduces the appearance of age spots and blemishes. With antimicrobial properties, it soothes and heals skin irritations, leaving you with beautiful skin that glows.

  • Natural ingredients.
  • Moisturizes and hydrates the skin.
  • Use in the morning or before bedtime.

Ingredients :

Aqua, Cocos Nucifera (Coconut) Oil, Beeswax, Pelargonium Graveolens (Rose Geranium) Flower Oil, Agar


Additional information

Weight 250 g

Bahasa Indonesia

Aroma pada minyak rose geranium memiliki efek yang menyeimbangkan secara keseluruhan pada tubuh dan pikiran, membuat Rose Allure lotion ini sempurna untuk digunakan di pagi hari atau sebelum tidur. Minyak rose geranium juga mengurangi penampakan stretch mark tanpa penggunaan bahan kimia yang keras.

Minyak kelapa dikenal mengandung zat anti penuaan yang mengunci kelembaban dan menghidrasi kulit. Hal itu juga bisa mengurangi munculnya bintik-bintik penuaan dan noda. Bersifat antimikroba yang menenangkan dan menyembuhkan iritasi kulit, membuat kulitmu indah dan bercahaya.


  • Terbuat dari bahan alami.
  • Melembabkan dan menghidrasi kulit.
  • Gunakan di pagi hari atau sebelum tidur.

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