Nutmeg Essential Oil 10 ml

IDR Rp 89.100

Nutmeg is a spice that many associate with sweet baked goods. Nutmeg oil is derived from the dried seed of the nutmeg tree fruit and has multiple health benefits. When used to fight the signs of aging, nutmeg oil can reduce wrinkles, brighten dull skin, and help control oil. Nutmeg is a natural stimulant that increases blood circulation in the body, and reduces mental fatigue and stress in the brain. A massage with nutmeg oil can soothe aching muscles and joints, reduce inflammation, and alleviate menstrual cramps.  

    • Spicy and woodsy aroma
    • Aids in soothing muscle aches.
    • Increases circulation.

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Nutmeg is a spice that many associate with sweet baked goods. Nutmeg oil is derived from the dried seed of the nutmeg tree fruit and has multiple health benefits. When used to fight the signs of aging, nutmeg oil can reduce wrinkles, brighten dull skin, and help control oil. Nutmeg is a natural stimulant that increases blood circulation in the body, and reduces mental fatigue and stress in the brain. A massage with nutmeg oil can soothe aching muscles and joints, reduce inflammation, and alleviate menstrual cramps.  

    • Spicy and woodsy aroma
    • Aids in soothing muscle aches.
    • Increases circulation.


100% Essential oil of Nutmeg


Essential oils have the natural ability to heal, soothe, and stimulate. With antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties, essential oils have a wide variety of uses.

Sniff essential oils right from the bottle for an instant pick-me-up, to relive anxiety, or to induce relaxation. Add to carrier oil, such as jojoba, and use in a soothing massage. Place a few drops in diffuser to eliminate household odors. Add to cleaning products for more antibacterial and antimicrobial power. During cold and flu season, diffuse daily to stimulate immunity. Mix with carrier oil and apply to the skin to heal wounds. Add a drop or two to your face serum and apply daily to and protect skin against the signs of aging.

Before applying to skin, do a patch test.

How to patch test – Wash, clean, and dry the area on your upper arm near the crook of your elbow. Apply small amount of essential oil and cover with a bandage. Leave the bandage on for 24 hours, then remove and check for irritation. If skin looks clear and there is no reaction after the allotted test time, the oil is presumably safe to use. If you feel irritation at any time duringthe test, remove bandage and wash area with soap and water.

Nutmeg Essential Oil

Nutmeg (also known as Myristica fragrans) essential oil has quite a rich and colorful history. The Egyptians used it for embalming the dead; the Indians used it to treat intestinal problems; and the people in the Elizabethan era believed it to be effective against the plague.

Since then, while still very much popular, nutmeg oil has taken a bit of a back seat. In recent years, however, we are seeing what can only be considered as the revival of nutmeg oil. The essential oil is added to soaps, body care products, hair care products, and even dental products.

Let’s dig deeper into this intriguing essential oil — everything from the plant it is extracted from to its ample uses and benefits.

What is Nutmeg Essential Oil Made Of?

Nutmeg essential oil comes from the dried kernels of the seeds of nutmeg. An evergreen, the nutmeg tree grows tall and can reach up to a height of approximately 22 meters. It is also the only tropical tree that bears two distinct spices. First, you have the nutmeg. The other spice is mace — a reddish lacy covering of the seed known for its mellow flavors and orange tinge.

Native to the Moluccas Islands, also known as the Spice Islands, you can now find an abundance of nutmeg trees in Java (Indonesia), Penang (Malaysia), and Sri Lanka, too.

How is Nutmeg Essential Oil Extracted?

Nutmeg essential oil is extracted via steam distillation of the dried seeds of the nutmeg fruits. This involves applying hydraulic pressure to the seed in the presence of steam in order to release the essential oil from within. The steam is then condensed and the essential oil collected.

For the most part, the oil extracted is either colorless or light yellow and smells of nutmeg.

Benefits of Nutmeg Essential Oil

1.     Relieves pain and inflammation

Nutmeg essential oil’s analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties make it extremely useful in alleviating pains — including joint pain, muscle pain, swelling, sores, and inflammation. Besides that, nutmeg oil’s warmth can also help with the mobility of stiff joints.

To quickly relieve pain, mix nutmeg essential oil with a carrier oil (such as coconut oil) and rub onto the affected area. Make sure to really massage the mixture in.

2.     Helps to treat insomnia and improves the quality of sleep

Is the tossing and turning every night driving you mad? Sometimes it can be hard to fall asleep, no matter how many sheep you count every night. Here is how nutmeg oil can help: its sedative and calming properties help you to relax and fall asleep faster. It even helps you to stay asleep longer, too. Besides that, studies showed that the oil has the potential to improve the effectiveness of other prescribed sedatives, too.

For a good night’s sleep, inhale nutmeg oil right from the bottle. Alternatively, diffuse a blend of nutmeg oil and another essential oil that promotes relaxation and sleep. Do this about half an hour before bedtime to wind down and make it easier for you to catch those z’s.

3.     Can potentially help with respiratory problems

You may find nutmeg essential oil to be useful if you are suffering from respiratory conditions such as asthma and coughs. This is why nutmeg oil is a common fixture in the ingredient list of many cough syrups and cold rubs.

4.     Boosts digestive health

Indigestion, stomachaches, diarrhea, flatulence, loss of appetite, sluggishness, and queasiness; nutmeg essential oil can tackle and help with all of these conditions.

To help ease digestive problems, add five to seven drops of nutmeg oil into your bathwater. Another option is to blend a couple of drops of nutmeg oil with a carrier oil and use the mixture as a massage oil. Rub the mixture onto your stomach and abdomen area.

5.     Eliminates bad breath

Bad breath is not only annoying but can also be a symptom of more serious issues. It could be a sign of build-up toxins in your organs or gut.

With nutmeg oil’s antibacterial properties, the oil helps to eliminate the said toxins. On top of that, the eugenol in nutmeg oil helps with toothaches and aching gum, too. As a result, you will see nutmeg essential oil is commonly added to toothpaste and mouthwashes.

To manage and get rid of bad breath, use nutmeg oil as a gargle. Or, you can also add a few drops of the oil to your toothpaste or mouthwash. If you would like to go all-natural, on the other hand, make your own natural toothpaste by mixing nutmeg essential oil with coconut oil.

6.     A powerhouse skincare ingredient

Nutmeg essential oil is found in countless commercial cosmetic products such as lotions, moisturizers, and toners. Here is why: nutmeg essential oil does wonders for your skin.

First, its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties help to prevent acne, minimize breakouts, and even fade acne scars. Then, you have the oil’s astringent qualities which help immensely when it comes to shrinking pores for smoother skin.

If you need to even and brighten your complexion, look no further than nutmeg oil. Simply whip up a homemade facemask by mixing a few drops of nutmeg oil with lemon juice and some natural yogurt. Apply a thick layer of this mask onto your face and rinse it off after ten minutes.

In addition to the above, you can also add a drop of nutmeg oil to your cleanser, facial scrub, and toner for blemish-free skin.

7.     Provides shine, softness, and volume for your hair

Shiny, soft, and voluminous tresses can be well within your grasp. All you have to do is include nutmeg essential oil in your hair care routine regularly.

With frequent use, the oil helps to promote and accelerate hair growth, giving you the volume you have been dreaming of. On top of that, the oil improves blood flow to your scalp. This helps not only for hair growth purposes but also gets rid of flaky skin and dandruff.

Simply add two drops of nutmeg essential oil to your shampoo or conditioner for noticeably healthier hair and scalp.

Mixing Nutmeg Essential Oil with Other Essential Oils

Nutmeg essential oil’s aroma is warm, rich, spicy, and a tad bit sweet.

For a cozy night in, consider a blend of nutmeg, clove, cinnamon, and sweet orange essential oils. These oils complement each other beautifully.

Additionally, nutmeg oil pairs well with spicy, citrus, floral, and woody essential oils, too. So, try a blend of nutmeg oil with any of the following oils: orange, lemon, lime, mandarin, black pepper, clary sage, rosemary, eucalyptus, cypress, myrrh, frankincense, ginger, ylang-ylang, and lavender.

Other Good-to-Know Information

Due to its potency, a little nutmeg essential oil goes a long way. Always start small and you can build it up later on. Plus, it is also worth it to remember that nutmeg oil can be extremely toxic at high doses. Overdosing can lead to horrible side effects including convulsions, hallucinations, vomiting, and delirium.

As with all essential oils, check if you are allergic to this oil. Apply a drop of nutmeg oil on a small area of your skin before using it on your entire body.

Is Nutmeg Essential Oil Right for You?

While nutmeg essential oil is not strictly a necessity for most people, it remains an extremely useful essential oil to have around the house.

Additional information

Weight 100 g

Deskripsi Bahasa Indonesia

Essential Oil Nutmeg (Pala)

Essential Oil Nutmeg (juga dikenal sebagai Myristica fragrans) memiliki sejarah yang cukup kaya dan penuh warna. Orang Mesir menggunakannya untuk membalsem orang mati; orang India menggunakannya untuk mengobati masalah usus; dan orang-orang di era Ratu Elizabeth I percaya minyak ini efektif melawan wabah penyakit.

Sejak saat itu, walaupun masih sangat populer, kedudukan minyak pala kini agak mundur. Namun, dalam beberapa tahun terakhir ini, kita menyaksikan sesuatu yang bisa dianggap sebagai kebangkitan minyak pala. Essential oil ini banyak ditambahkan pada sabun mandi, produk perawatan tubuh, produk perawatan rambut, dan bahkan produk gigi.

Mari kita menggali lebih dalam Essential Oil yang menarik ini – mulai dari tanaman yang diekstrak hingga kegunaan dan manfaatnya yang melimpah.


Apa itu Essential Oil Nutmeg?

Essential Oil Nutmeg berasal dari biji buah pala kering. Sebagai keluarga pohon cemara, pohon pala tumbuh tinggi dan dapat mencapai ketinggian sekitar 22 meter. Pohon ini juga satu-satunya pohon tropis yang menghasilkan dua rempah berbeda. Pertama, kamu memiliki buah pala. Rempah lainnya adalah urat pala – lapisan seperti urat/renda dengan warna kemerahan yang menutupi biji pala, dikenal karena rasanya yang lembut dan berwarna oranye terang.

Berasal dari Kepulauan Maluku, yang juga dikenal sebagai Kepulauan Rempah-rempah, sekarang kamu dapat menemukan banyak pohon pala di Jawa (Indonesia), Penang (Malaysia), dan juga Sri Lanka.


Bagaimana Essential Oil Pala diekstraksi?

Essential Oil pala diekstraksi melalui destilasi uap dari biji kering buah pala. Ini melibatkan pengaplikasian tekanan hidrolik pada biji di hadapan uap untuk melepaskan Essential Oil dari dalam. Uap kemudian dikondensasi dan Essential Oil pun dikumpulkan.

Sebagian besar minyak yang diekstraksi tidak memiliki warna atau berwarna kuning muda dan dengan bau pala.


Manfaat Essential Oil Pala

  1. Meredakan rasa sakit dan peradangan

Sifat analgesik dan anti-inflamasi Essential Oil pala membuatnya sangat berguna dalam mengurangi rasa sakit – termasuk nyeri sendi, nyeri otot, pembengkakan, luka, dan peradangan. Selain itu, kehangatan minyak pala juga dapat membantu mobilitas persendian yang kaku.

Untuk menghilangkan rasa sakit dengan cepat, campur Essential Oil pala dengan minyak pendamping (seperti minyak kelapa) lalu gosokkan ke bagian yang sakit. Pastikan untuk memijat dengan benar-benar campuran ini hingga meresap.

  1. Membantu mengobati insomnia dan meningkatkan kualitas tidur

Apakah membolak-balik badan setiap malam membuatmu kesal? Terkadang sulit untuk tertidur, tidak peduli berapa banyak domba yang sudah kamu hitung setiap malam. Begini cara minyak pala dapat membantu: sifat penenang dan membiusnya membantu kamu untuk rileks dan tertidur lebih cepat. Bahkan membantu mu untuk tidur lebih lama juga. Selain itu, penelitian menunjukkan bahwa minyak ini pun berpotensi meningkatkan efektivitas obat penenang lain yang diresepkan.

Untuk tidur yang nyenyak, hirup minyak pala langsung dari botolnya. Sebagai alternatif, sebarkan campuran minyak pala dan Essential Oil lain yang juga meningkatkan relaksasi dan tidur. Lakukan hal ini sekitar setengah jam sebelum waktu tidur untuk meredakan pikiran dan memudahkanmu untuk tertidur.

  1. Dapat berpotensi membantu masalah pernapasan

Kamu mungkin akan mendapati Essential Oil pala ini berguna jika kamu menderita kondisi pernapasan seperti asma dan batuk. Inilah sebabnya mengapa minyak pala menjadi bahan pelengkap yang umum ditemui dalam daftar komposisi banyak sirup batuk dan obat gosok dingin.

  1. Meningkatkan kesehatan pencernaan

Gangguan pencernaan, sakit perut, diare, perut kembung, kehilangan nafsu makan, lesu, dan mual; Essential Oil pala dapat mengatasi dan membantu semua kondisi tersebut.

Untuk membantu meringankan masalah pencernaan, tambahkan lima hingga tujuh tetes minyak pala ke dalam air mandi mu. Pilihan lain adalah mencampur beberapa tetes minyak pala dengan minyak pendamping dan menggunakan campuran tersebut sebagai minyak pijat. Gosokkan campuran ke area perut dan abdomen.

  1. Menghilangkan bau mulut

Bau mulut tidak hanya mengganggu tetapi juga bisa menjadi gejala masalah yang lebih serius. Ini bisa menjadi pertanda bahwa racun menumpuk di dalam organ atau ususmu.

Sifat antibakteri minyak pala dapat membantu menghilangkan racun tersebut. Selain itu, eugenol dalam minyak pala juga membantu mengatasi sakit gigi dan getah gusi. Hasilnya, kamu akan menyadari bahwa Essential Oil pala memang umum ditambahkan pada komposisi bahan pasta gigi dan obat kumur.

Untuk mengatasi dan menghilangkan bau mulut, gunakan minyak pala sebagai obat kumur. Atau, kamu juga bisa menambahkan beberapa tetes minyak ke pasta gigi atau obat kumur. Di sisi lain, jika kamu ingin sesuatu yang alami, buatlah pasta gigi mu sendiri dengan mencampurkan minyak esensial pala dengan minyak kelapa.

  1. Bahan perawatan kulit yang penuh kekuatan

Essential Oil pala dapat ditemukan dalam produk kosmetik komersial yang tak terhitung jumlahnya seperti lotion, pelembab, dan toner. Inilah alasannya: Essential Oil pala benar-benar menakjubkan untuk kulit mu.

Pertama, sifat antimikroba dan anti-inflamasinya membantu mencegah terbentuknya jerawat, meminimalisir serangan jerawat, dan bahkan memudarkan bekas jerawat. Setelah itu, ada pula kualitas astringen minyak yang sangat membantu dalam mengecilkan pori-pori untuk kulit yang lebih halus.

Jika kamu perlu meratakan dan mencerahkan warna kulit, tidak perlu lagi mencari yang lain selain minyak pala. Tinggal bikin masker muka buatan sendiri dengan mencampurkan beberapa tetes minyak pala dengan jus lemon dan yogurt alami. Oleskan lapisan tebal masker ini ke wajah mu dan bilas setelah sepuluh menit.

Selain yang di atas, kamu juga bisa menambahkan setetes minyak pala ke pembersih wajah, scrub wajah, dan toner untuk kulit yang bebas noda.

  1. Memberikan kilau, kelembutan, dan volume pada rambut mu

Rambut yang berkilau, lembut, dan tebal akan bisa kamu jangkau. Yang harus kamu lakukan adalah menambahkan Essential Oil pala dalam rutinitas perawatan rambut mu secara teratur.

Dengan sering digunakan, minyak akan membantu dalam meningkatkan dan mempercepat pertumbuhan rambut, memberi mu volume yang kamu impikan. Selain itu, minyak ini juga meningkatkan aliran darah ke kulit kepala. Hal ini membantu tidak hanya untuk tujuan pertumbuhan rambut tetapi juga menghilangkan serpihan kulit dan ketombe.

Cukup tambahkan dua tetes Essential Oil pala pada sampo atau kondisioner mu untuk mendapat rambut dan kulit kepala yang terlihat lebih sehat.


Mencampur Essential Oil Pala dengan Essential Oil Lainnya

Aroma Essential Oil pala yang hangat, kaya, pedas, dan sedikit manis.

Untuk malam yang nyaman, pertimbangkan campuran pala (Pala), cengkeh (clove), kayu manis (cinnamon), dan Essential Oil jeruk manis (sweet orange). Perpaduan minyak ini akan saling melengkapi dengan indah.

Selain dari itu, Essential Oil pala juga cocok dipadukan dengan Essential Oil beraroma rempah-rempah, jeruk-jerukan, bunga-bungaan, dan kayu-kayuan. Jadi, cobalah campuran minyak pala dengan salah satu dari minyak berikut: jeruk (orange), lemon, jeruk nipis (lime), lada hitam (black pepper), clary sage, rosemary, ekaliptus (eucalyptus), cemara (cypress), mur (myrrh), kemenyan (frankincense), jahe (ginger), ylang-ylang, dan lavender.


Informasi Baik-Untuk-Tahu Lainnya

Karena kekuatannya, ukuran kecil Essential Oil pala bisa awet dan tahan lama. Selalu mulai dari yang kecil dan kamu bisa perlahan membangunnya nanti. Selain itu, perlu juga diingat bahwa minyak pala bisa sangat beracun pada dosis tinggi. Overdosis dapat menyebabkan efek samping yang mengerikan termasuk kejang-kejang, halusinasi, muntah, dan delirium.

Seperti halnya semua Essential Oil, periksa apakah kamu memiliki alergi terhadap minyak ini. Oleskan setetes minyak pala di area kecil kulit mu sebelum menggunakannya di seluruh tubuh.


Apakah Essential Oil Pala Tepat untuk Kamu?

Meskipun Essential Oil pala tidak sepenuhnya menjadi kebutuhan bagi kebanyakan orang, Essential Oil ini tetap sangat berguna untuk dimiliki di rumah.


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