Blend Essential Oil Nayla 10 ml

IDR Rp 263.200

Nayla Essential Oil Blend Containing a mix of Orange, Cedarwood Himalayan, Palmarosa, Lavender, Bergamot, Grapefruit Pink, Vanilla, and Rose Bulgarian flower extract, you will find that this essential oil blend can help maintain the health, appearance, and texture of the skin. The fruit and flower oils are natural ingredients that can help promote clarity, radiance, and smoothness and can help reduce the appearance ofacne scaring. When used for aromatherapy, lavender promotes feelings of calmness and wellness while the other oils can provide you with a boost of energy while uplifting your mood and easing stress.

    • Promotes clarity, radiance, and smoothness
    • Helps reduce the appearance of acne scaring
    • Soothing and calming for the skin and can prevent redness and irritation
    • Can help eliminate blotchy patches on the skin, and promotes calmness and well-being
    • A blend known for its antiseptic and astringent properties
    • Reduces physical and emotional signs of stress
    • Aromatherapy benefits of this oil help lower blood pressure and heart rate
    • Its scent promotes feelings of relaxation and calm

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Nayla Essential Oil Blend Containing a mix of Orange, Cedarwood Himalayan, Palmarosa, Lavender, Bergamot, Grapefruit Pink, Vanilla, and Rose Bulgarian flower extract, you will find that this essential oil blend can help maintain the health, appearance, and texture of the skin. The fruit and flower oils are natural ingredients that can help promote clarity, radiance, and smoothness and can help reduce the appearance ofacne scaring. When used for aromatherapy, lavender promotes feelings of calmness and wellness while the other oils can provide you with a boost of energy while uplifting your mood and easing stress.

    • Promotes clarity, radiance, and smoothness
    • Helps reduce the appearance of acne scaring
    • Soothing and calming for the skin and can prevent redness and irritation
    • Can help eliminate blotchy patches on the skin, and promotes calmness and well-being
    • A blend known for its antiseptic and astringent properties
    • Reduces physical and emotional signs of stress
    • Aromatherapy benefits of this oil help lower blood pressure and heart rate
    • Its scent promotes feelings of relaxation and calm


Citrus Aurantium Dulcis (Orange) Oil, Cedrus Deodara (Cedarwood Himalaya) Oil, Cymbopogon Martini (Palmarosa) Oil, Lavandula Angustifolia (Lavender) Oil, Citrus Bergamia (Bergamot) Oil, Citrus Paradisi (Grapefruit Pink) Oil, Vanilla Planifolia (Vanilla) Oil, Rosa Damascena (Rose Bulgarian) Oil

Additional information

Weight 100 g

Bahasa Indonesia

Essential Oil Blend Nayla mengandung campuran dari ekstrak Orange, Cedarwood Himalaya, Palmarosa, Lavender, bergamot, Grapefruit Pink, Vanilla, dan Rose Bulgaria, kamu akan menemukan bahwa campuran essential oil ini dapat membantu dalam menjaga kesehatan, penampilan, dan tekstur kulit. Minyak dari buah dan bunga merupakan bahan alami yang dapat membantu mempromosikan kejernihan, cahaya, dan kelembutan pada kulit serta dapat membantu memudarkan luka bekas jerawat. Ketika digunakan sebagai aromaterapi, Lavender mempromosikan rasa tenang dan nyaman sementara minyak lainnya dapat memberimu dorongan energi sekaligus memperbaiki suasana hati dan meredakan stres.

    • Mempromosikan kejernihan, cahaya, dan kelembutan pada kulit.
    • Membantu memudarkan luka bekas jerawat.
    • Menyejukkan dan melembutkan pada kulit dan dapat mencegah kemerahan dan iritasi.
    • Bisa membantu menghilangkan bercak jerawat pada kulit, dan mempromosikan rasa tenang dan nyaman.
    • Campuran yang dikenal dengan sifat antiseptiknya.
    • Mengurangi gejala stres pada fisik dan mental.
    • Manfaat aromaterapi dari minyak ini membantu menurunkan tekanan darah dan denyut jantung
    • Aromanya mempromosikan perasaan relaksasi dan rasa tenang.

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