Cananga Essential Oil 10 ml

IDR Rp 117.300

Cananga oil has a lot in common with ylang-ylang essential oil; it resides in the same family, but is less floral and greener when it comes to aroma. It’s most important use is in cosmetics and perfumes. It has aphrodisiac properties that stimulate hormones and can boost the libido. Its antiseptic qualities can provide stimulation of the circulatory system to help ease tension and alleviate feelings that come from everyday stress. Cananga oil can be used in skincare to promote rejuvenation, and to ease discomfort from insect bites.

    • Floral scent that’s slightly woodsy.
    • Reduces tension and stress.
    • Commonly used for fragrance.

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Cananga oil has a lot in common with ylang-ylang essential oil; it resides in the same family, but is less floral and greener when it comes to aroma. It’s most important use is in cosmetics and perfumes. It has aphrodisiac properties that stimulate hormones and can boost the libido. Its antiseptic qualities can provide stimulation of the circulatory system to help ease tension and alleviate feelings that come from everyday stress. Cananga oil can be used in skincare to promote rejuvenation, and to ease discomfort from insect bites.

    • Floral scent that’s slightly woodsy.
    • Reduces tension and stress.
    • Commonly used for fragrance.


100% cananga flower essential oil


Essential oils have the natural ability to heal, soothe, and stimulate. With antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties, essential oils have a wide variety of uses.

Sniff essential oils right from the bottle for an instant pick-me-up, to relive anxiety, or to induce relaxation. Add to carrier oil, such as jojoba, and use in a soothing massage. Place a few drops in diffuser to eliminate household odors. Add to cleaning products for more antibacterial and antimicrobial power. During cold and flu season, diffuse daily to stimulate immunity. Mix with carrier oil and apply to the skin to heal wounds. Add a drop or two to your face serum and apply daily to and protect skin against the signs of aging.

Before applying to skin, do a patch test.

How to patch test – Wash, clean, and dry the area on your upper arm near the crook of your elbow. Apply small amount of essential oil and cover with a bandage. Leave the bandage on for 24 hours, then remove and check for irritation. If skin looks clear and there is no reaction after the allotted test time, the oil is presumably safe to use. If you feel irritation at any time duringthe test, remove bandage and wash area with soap and water.

Cananga Essential Oil

Cananga essential oil shares many similarities with ylang-ylang essential since they both originate from the same species of tree. In fact, cananga essential oil is often used as a more affordable substitute for ylang-ylang oil. However, while they are similar in many ways, it is worth keeping in mind that cananga essential oil has its own unique properties and benefits.

Let’s delve deeper into the versatile cananga essential oil that has, sadly, long lived in the shadow of the more popular ylang-ylang.

What is Cananga Essential Oil Made Of?

First, to address the most commonly asked question when it comes to cananga: yes, cananga essential oil is very similar to ylang-ylang essential oil but, no, the two are not the same thing. Cananga essential oil is extracted from the macrophylla variety of cananga odorata while ylang-ylang is from the genuine variety of cananga odorata.

Cananga (cananga odorata var. macrophylla) is a tall tropical tree native to South East Asia and Australia. Sporting drooping delicate yellow flowers, cananga trees thrive in shaded areas with moist soil.

Scent-wise, cananga flower (and essential oil) is rich and sweet but considerably less floral than ylang-ylang. Cananga is also often said to be greener than ylang-ylang and a great fit for those who prefer for their essential oil to be fresher.

How is Cananga Essential Oil Extracted?

The distinctive cananga essential oil is extracted from the cananga flowers. As cananga trees are rather tall, one would need to climb up a ladder and jostle the flowers with a long stick for them to fall to the ground. This is usually done in the morning before or around sunrise to minimize the exposure to sunlight. Too much sunlight on the flowers for too long would cause the evaporation of the essential oil.

Once gathered, the flowers are steam-distilled to extract the essential oil. This involves forcing hot pressurized steam through the flowers. The steam then goes through a condensation and collection process.

Benefits of Cananga Essential Oil

1.     Works as a mood enhancer

If you suffer from anxiety and depression or just generally feeling down, cananga essential oil could help to alleviate these feelings. Combine a few drops (approximately four to five drops) of cananga essential oil with other essential oils that promote calm and relaxation such as lavender, bergamot, and neroli in the diffuser and let the oils reduce the negative feelings and improve the mood.

2.     Eases stress and tension

With today’s modern fast-paced world, it is easy to get lost in the stress and tension of everyday life. To relieve stress, re-center yourself with a few drops of cananga essential oil in the diffuser.

3.     Helps to combat insomnia

While it is easy for some of us to fall asleep as soon as we hit the pillow, sleep may not come as effortlessly to others. For a better and more restful night’s sleep, mix a few drops of cananga essential oil with a few drops of lavender, geranium or jasmine essential oils. Place the blend in your diffuser at least one hour before you head to bed.

4.     Has anti-inflammatory properties

Besides that, cananga essential oil also has a high level of beta-caryophyllene — which scientists found can help to reduce neuroinflammation (inflammation in the brain) as well as increase antioxidant levels in the brain.

These anti-inflammatory properties can help to protect the brain against swelling, inflammation, and neuronal damage during a stroke. What this means, essentially, is that the beta-caryophyllene minimizes brain damage after a stroke.

5.     Promotes overall good health

Apart from the above, the beta-caryophyllene in cananga essential oil helps to protect and promote the overall good health of your body, too. One of the ways the beta-caryophyllene helps is through assisting the vascular system by improving blood flow to the brain, reducing high levels of cholesterol, and reducing stress to the heart.

Besides that, studies have also suggested that beta-caryophyllene can protect against diseases like Alzheimer’s Disease, Parkinson’s Disease, and Multiple Sclerosis.

6.     Has excellent antibacterial and antimicrobial properties

Like most other essential oils, cananga essential oil, too, has great antibacterial and anti-microbial properties. This is (again) thanks to the beta-caryophyllene in the oil. Studies have shown that it helps to eliminate and diminish microorganisms such as E.coli, Streptococcus pneumonia, and Haemophilus influenza — all the nasty things that you do not want anywhere near you.

7.     Protects against mosquito and insect bites

Speaking of the wonders of cananga essential oil, it could even help with preventing tick bites and mosquito bites. In an effort to study the effect of beta-caryophyllene, alpha-Pinene, and eugenol, scientists have concluded that these constituents have a significant toxic effect against larvae of the malaria vector Anopheles subpictus, the dengue vector Aedes albopictus, and Culex tritaeniorhynchus.

Thus, the cananga essential oil appears to be viable protection against mosquito vectors and, thereby, reduces the chances of developing mosquito-borne diseases. To repel insects, apply a few drops of cananga essential oil all over your body. If you need to, feel free to mix in a few drops of carrier oil like coconut oil or jojoba oil.

8.     Excellent addition to your skincare routine

Just like ylang-ylang, cananga essential oil does wonders for your complexion. Its anti-bacterial properties ensure that it is an effective cleanser in getting rid of dirt, grime, and impurities.

Besides that, with its potent antioxidant properties, the oil also helps to fight free radicals that cause premature aging to unveil supple younger-looking skin. Add a few drops of cananga essential oil to your toner or moisturizer to make it part of your skincare routine.

Mixing Cananga Essential Oil with Other Essential Oils

Cananga essential oil’s rich but rather herbaceous scent blends well with many other essential oils.

For the ultimate relaxation session, cananga with bergamot and geranium essential oils promise tranquility and serenity like you have never experienced before.

If you need to de-stress, mix cananga essential oil with an equal part of vetiver oil in a diffuser.

On top of that, if you are a fan of floral scents, cananga essential oil’s ‘greener’ fragrance is extremely compatible with the powdery floral aroma of lavender. This combination should work well to promote restful sleep.

Additionally, cananga essential oil’s middle note blends well with jasmine, cassia, orange, and rose.

Other Good-to-Know Information

One important thing to note is that, just like ylang-ylang essential oil, you need to be extra cautious when first using cananga essential oil. This is because the oil can potentially cause headaches and migraines for some people, especially if used in a high concentration.

As always, start with a patch test to check if you react well to cananga essential oil. Rub a drop or two of the oil on your inner forearm and cover the area with a bandage. After 24 hours, if you do not suffer any adverse reaction, the oil should be safe for you to use liberally.

Is Cananga Essential Oil Right for You?

For those of you in the market for an earthy and rich essential oil, take a chance and give cananga essential oil a try. You are likely to be impressed and hooked by the oil’s versatility and maybe even its intricate scent — just like many others before you did.


Additional information

Weight 100 g

Deskripsi Bahasa Indonesia

Essential Oil cananga memiliki banyak kesamaan dengan Essential Oil Ylang-ylang karena keduanya berasal dari spesies pohon yang sama. Bahkan, Essential Oil cananga sering digunakan sebagai pengganti yang lebih terjangkau untuk minyak Ylang-ylang. Namun, meskipun mirip dalam banyak hal, perlu diingat bahwa Essential Oil cananga tetap memiliki sifat dan manfaatnya yang unik.

Mari kita selami lebih dalam Essential Oil cananga serbaguna yang, sayangnya, telah lama hidup dalam bayang-bayang ylang-ylang yang lebih populer.


Apa itu Essential Oil  ?

Pertama, untuk menjawab pertanyaan yang paling sering diajukan ketika berbicara tentang cananga: ya, Essential Oil cananga sangat mirip dengan Essential Oil ylang-ylang tetapi, tidak, keduanya bukanlah hal yang sama. Essential Oil cananga diekstraksi dari berbagai macrophylla cananga odorata sementara ylang-ylang berasal dari varietas asli cananga odorata.

cananga (cananga odorata var. Macrophylla) adalah pohon tropis tinggi yang berasal dari Asia Tenggara dan Australia. Dengan bunga-bunga kuning yang terkulai lembut, pohon-pohon cananga tumbuh subur di daerah teduh dengan tanah yang lembab.

Dilihat dari wanginya, wangi bunga cananga (dan Essential Oil nya) kaya dan manis tetapi jauh lebih samar bau bunga nya daripada ylang-ylang. cananga juga sering dikatakan lebih menyegarkan dari ylang-ylang dan sangat cocok bagi mereka yang lebih suka Essential Oil mereka menjadi lebih segar.


Bagaimana Essential Oil Cananga Diekstraksi?

Essential Oil cananga yang khas ini diekstrak dari bunga cananga. Karena pohon cananga agak tinggi, orang harus menggunakan tangga dan menarik bunga-bunga dengan tongkat panjang agar jatuh ke tanah. Kegiatan ini biasanya dilakukan pada pagi hari sebelum atau sekitar matahari terbit untuk meminimalkan paparan sinar matahari. Bila terlalu banyak terpapar sinar matahari pada bunga dalam waktu terlalu lama akan menyebabkan penguapan kandungan Essential Oil.

Setelah dikumpulkan, bunganya lalu disuling dengan uap untuk mengekstrak Essential Oil. Proses ini menggunakan uap panas bertekanan tinggi yang menekan bunga-bunga. Uap berisi Essential Oil kemudian melewati proses kondensasi dan pengumpulan.


Manfaat Essential Oil Cananga

1. Berfungsi sebagai penambah semangat

Kalau kamu menderita kecemasan (anxiety) dan depresi atau sering merasa sedih, Essential Oil cananga bisa membantu meringankan perasaan-perasaan tersebut. Campurkan beberapa tetes (sekitar empat hingga lima tetes) Essential Oil cananga dengan Essential Oil lainnya dengan efek membawa ketenangan dan relaksasi seperti lavender, bergamot, dan neroli dalam diffuser lalu biarkan minyak mengikis perasaan negatif dan meningkatkan mood.

2. Meringankan stres dan ketegangan

Di dunia modern yang serba cepat saat ini, sangatlah mudah untuk tersesat dalam tekanan dan hiruk-pikuk kehidupan sehari-hari. Untuk menghilangkan stres, pusatkan kembali diri mu dengan beberapa tetes Essential Oil cananga dalam diffuser.

3. Membantu melawan susah tidur (insomnia)

Meskipun mudah bagi sebagian dari kita untuk segera tertidur setelah kena bantal, namun bagi orang lain mungkin tidak dapat semudah itu. Untuk tidur malam yang lebih baik dan lebih nyenyak, campur beberapa tetes Essential Oil cananga dengan beberapa tetes Essential Oil lavender, geranium atau melati (jasmine). Masukkan campuran ke dalam diffuser mu setidaknya satu jam sebelum tidur.

4. Memiliki sifat anti-inflamasi

Selain itu, Essential Oil cananga juga memiliki tingkat beta-caryophyllene yang tinggi – yang menurut para ilmuwan dapat membantu mengurangi peradangan saraf (peradangan di otak) serta meningkatkan kadar antioksidan di otak.

Sifat-sifat anti-inflamasi ini dapat membantu melindungi otak terhadap pembengkakan, peradangan, dan kerusakan neuron selama stroke. Apa artinya ini? pada dasarnya, beta-caryophyllene dapat meminimalkan kerusakan otak setelah stroke.

5. Memperbaiki kesehatan secara menyeluruh

Terlepas dari hal diatas, beta-caryophyllene dalam Essential Oil cananga juga membantu melindungi dan meningkatkan kesehatan tubuh secara keseluruhan. Salah satu cara beta-caryophyllene menolong adalah dengan membantu sistem pembuluh darah sehingga meningkatkan aliran darah ke otak, mengurangi kadar kolesterol tinggi, dan mengurangi stres ke jantung.

Selain itu, penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa beta-caryophyllene dapat melindungi terhadap penyakit seperti Penyakit Alzheimer, Penyakit Parkinson, dan Multiple Sclerosis.

6. Memiliki sifat antibakteri dan antimikroba yang sangat baik

Seperti kebanyakan Essential Oil lainnya, Essential Oil cananga juga memiliki sifat antibakteri dan antimikroba yang hebat. Ini (sekali lagi) berkat beta-caryophyllene yang terkandung dalam minyak. Penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa hal itu membantu menghilangkan dan mengurangi mikroorganisme seperti E.coli, Streptococcus pneumoniae, dan Haemophilus influenza – semua hal buruk yang tidak kamu inginkan berada di dekatmu.

7. Melindungi dari gigitan nyamuk dan serangga

Berbicara tentang keajaiban Essential Oil cananga, minyak ini bahkan bisa membantu mencegah gigitan kutu dan gigitan nyamuk. Dalam upaya untuk mempelajari efek beta-caryophyllene, alpha-Pinene, dan eugenol, para ilmuwan telah menyimpulkan bahwa zat ini memiliki efek racun yang signifikan terhadap larva nyamuk malaria Anopheles subpictus, nyamuk dengue Aedes albopictus, dan Culex tritaeniorhynchus.

Dengan demikian, Essential Oil cananga tampaknya menjadi perlindungan yang layak terhadap nyamuk dan, dengan begitu, akan mengurangi kemungkinan mengembangkan penyakit yang ditularkan nyamuk. Untuk mengusir serangga, oleskan beberapa tetes Essential Oil cananga ke seluruh tubuh mu. Jika perlu, jangan ragu untuk mencampurkan beberapa tetes minyak pendamping seperti minyak kelapa atau minyak jojoba.

8. Tambahan yang bagus pada rutinitas perawatan kulit mu

Sama seperti ylang-ylang, Essential Oil cananga juga cocok untuk kulit kamu. Sifat anti-bakteri nya memastikan bahwa ini adalah pembersih yang efektif dalam menghilangkan kotoran, debu, dan polusi.

Selain itu, dengan sifat antioksidan yang kuat, minyak ini juga membantu melawan radikal bebas yang menyebabkan penuaan dini dan mengungkap kulit yang akan tampak lebih muda. Tambahkan beberapa tetes Essential Oil cananga ke toner atau pelembab untuk menjadikannya bagian dari rutinitas perawatan kulit mu sehari-hari.


Mencampur Essential Oil Cananga dengan Minyak Essential Oil

Aroma Essential Oil yang kaya namun beraroma herbal menyatu dengan baik dengan banyak Essential Oil lainnya.

Untuk sesi relaksasi terbaik, cananga dengan Essential Oil bergamot dan geranium menjanjikan ketenangan dan kenyamanan seperti yang belum pernah kamu rasakan sebelumnya.

Jika kamu perlu menghilangkan stres, campurkan Essential Oil cananga dengan minyak akar wangi yang sama ke dalam diffuser.

Selain itu, kalau kamu adalah penggemar aroma bunga, aroma ‘hijau’ Essential Oil ini sangat cocok dengan aroma bunga lavender. Kombinasi ini dapat bekerja dengan baik untuk memberikan tidur nyenyak.

Selain itu, sebagai catatan tambahan, Essential Oil cananga juga menyatu dengan baik dengan melati (jasmine), cassia, jeruk (orange), dan mawar (rose).


Informasi Good-to-Know Lainnya

Satu hal penting yang perlu diperhatikan adalah, seperti halnya Essential Oil ylang-ylang, kamu harus ekstra hati-hati saat pertama kali menggunakan Essential Oil cananga. Karena minyak ini berpotensi menyebabkan sakit kepala dan migrain bagi sebagian orang, terutama jika digunakan dalam konsentrasi tinggi.

Seperti biasa, mulailah dengan uji area untuk memeriksa apakah kamu bereaksi dengan baik terhadap Essential Oil cananga. Gosokkan satu atau dua tetes minyak pada lengan bagian dalam lalu tutupi daerah itu dengan perban. Setelah 24 jam, jika kamu tidak mengalami reaksi yang buruk, maka minyak aman untuk kamu gunakan secara bebas.


Apakah Essential Oil Cananga Tepat untuk mu?

Bagi kamu yang mencari Essential Oil yang lembut dan kaya manfaat, ambil kesempatan ini dan cobalah Essential Oil cananga. Kamu mungkin akan terpukau dan terpikat oleh fleksibilitas minyak ini dan bahkan dengan aromanya yang unik- seperti kebanyakan orang lain sebelum kamu.


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