Ayung Diffuser

IDR Rp 1.568.000

The Ayung rechargeable, wireless nebulizing diffuser by Utama Spice brings the ultimate convenience and ease the strong, natural aromas of a nebulizing diffuser.
No heat, no water, and now, no power cords!
Battery power and the lack of wires takes aromatherapy and the use of essential oils to a whole new level. Now you can carry and enjoy all your favorite aromas to wherever you want at any time with almost no effort. This is a game changer as it enables you to have those intense, pure scents in any place or situation you want and with maximum flexibility.
Use this mobile unit anywhere; in your car, during a yoga session or when you go traveling!
The heavy construction of the unit is durable and the battery holds a charge for up to 16 hours
depending on usage. The custom designed glass reservoir locks into the molded seat of the diffuser
base and comes with a glass cap with a snug fit. It can operate extremely efficiently with no waste, spillage or mess.
The machine is programmed with an a
djustable volume control (with low, medium and high) and an automatic usage cycle (ON for 2mins, OFF for 1min, automatic shutoff after 2 hours)

4 in stock

SKU: DF/CA-0001/BX Category:


The Ayung rechargeable, wireless nebulizing diffuser by Utama Spice brings the ultimate convenience and ease the strong, natural aromas of a nebulizing diffuser.
No heat, no water, and now, no power cords!
Battery power and the lack of wires takes aromatherapy and the use of essential oils to a whole new level. Now you can carry and enjoy all your favorite aromas to wherever you want at any time with almost no effort. This is a game changer as it enables you to have those intense, pure scents in any place or situation you want and with maximum flexibility.
Use this mobile unit anywhere; in your car, during a yoga session or when you go traveling!
The heavy construction of the unit is durable and the battery holds a charge for up to 16 hours
depending on usage. The custom designed glass reservoir locks into the molded seat of the diffuser
base and comes with a glass cap with a snug fit. It can operate extremely efficiently with no waste, spillage or mess.
The machine is programmed with an a
djustable volume control (with low, medium and high) and an automatic usage cycle (ON for 2mins, OFF for 1min, automatic shutoff after 2 hours)

Additional information

Weight 2000 g

Deskripsi Bahasa Indonesia

Diffuser nebulisisasi nirkabel yang dapat diisi ulang oleh Utama Spice membawa kenyamanan tertinggi dan memudahkan aroma alami yang kuat dari diffuser nebulisasi.

Tidak ada panas, tidak ada air, dan sekarang, tidak ada kabel listrik!

Daya baterai dan kurangnya kabel membutuhkan aromaterapi dan penggunaan minyak esensial ke tingkat yang sama sekali baru. Sekarang Anda dapat membawa dan menikmati semua aroma favorit Anda ke mana pun Anda inginkan kapan saja tanpa usaha. Ini adalah pengubah permainan karena memungkinkan Anda untuk memiliki aroma yang intens dan murni di tempat atau situasi apa pun yang Anda inginkan dan dengan fleksibilitas maksimum.

Gunakan unit seluler ini di mana saja; Di mobil Anda, selama sesi yoga atau saat Anda bepergian!
Konstruksi unit yang berat tahan lama dan baterai menahan muatan hingga 16 jam
tergantung penggunaan. Reservoir kaca yang dirancang khusus mengunci ke kursi yang dibentuk dari diffuser
dasar dan dilengkapi dengan tutup kaca dengan pas. Ini dapat beroperasi dengan sangat efisien tanpa limbah, tumpahan atau kekacauan.

Kontrol Volume Djustable (dengan rendah, sedang dan tinggi) dan siklus penggunaan otomatis (aktif untuk 2 menit, mati selama 1 menit, shutoff otomatis setelah 2 jam)


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