100% Pure Virgin Coconut Oil 100 ml

IDR Rp 56.900

Made up of healthy, medium-chain fatty acids, virgin coconut oil is one of the most versatile products on the planet. Virgin coconut oil is used in many beauty products due to its anti-aging, antibacterial, and antifungal properties that soothe, protect, and heal the skin. When it comes to moisturizing, virgin coconut oil penetrates the layers of skin to increase hydration and softness.
Virgin coconut oil can be used as a natural makeup remover, even eliminating traces of waterproof mascara. It’s also an excellent moisturiser for dry and damaged hair when used as a natural conditioner.

    • Prevents wrinkles and sagging skin
    • Cold pressed
    • Nourishes hair follicles and eliminates dandruff
    • Helps heal skin issues such as burns, eczema, dandruff, itching, dermatitis and psoriasi
    • Improves hair health especially for dry and damaged hair by penetrating the hair stran
    • Anti-inflammator
    • Promotes tanning
    • Can be used on irritated and sensitive skin

99 in stock


Made up of healthy, medium-chain fatty acids, virgin coconut oil is one of the most versatile products on the planet. Virgin coconut oil is used in many beauty products due to its anti-aging, antibacterial, and antifungal properties that soothe, protect, and heal the skin. When it comes to moisturizing, virgin coconut oil penetrates the layers of skin to increase hydration and softness.
Virgin coconut oil can be used as a natural makeup remover, even eliminating traces of waterproof mascara. It’s also an excellent moisturiser for dry and damaged hair when used as a natural conditioner.

    • Prevents wrinkles and sagging skin
    • Cold pressed
    • Nourishes hair follicles and eliminates dandruff
    • Helps heal skin issues such as burns, eczema, dandruff, itching, dermatitis and psoriasi
    • Improves hair health especially for dry and damaged hair by penetrating the hair stran
    • Anti-inflammator
    • Promotes tanning
    • Can be used on irritated and sensitive skin


Cocos Nucifera (Virgin Coconut) Oil


Use as a hair moisturizer by applying to hair and leavingin for an hour, or overnight. Wash as usual. Use as an eye makeup remover by applying to eyes, leaving on for several seconds, and wiping clean with a cotton pad. Use as an after shower moisturizer.

Pro tip – Make a DIY body scrub by mixing virgin coconut oil with sugar and a few drops of essential oil. Use once or twice a week.

Additional information

Weight 120,00000000 g

Deskripsi Bahasa Indonesia

Tersusun dari medium-chain fatty acids yang sehat, virgin coconut oil (VCO) merupakan salah satu benda yang paling serbaguna sejagat raya. Virgin coconut oil banyak digunakan dalam produk-produk kecantikan karena memiliki sifat anti penuaan, antibakteri, dan antijamur yang juga menenangkan, melindungi, dan menyembuhkan kulit. Ketika berbicara soal pelembab, virgin coconut oil bisa menembus lapisan kulit sehingga meningkatkan kelembaban dan kelembutan kulit.

Kamu juga bisa memakai virgin coconut oil ini sebagai makeup remover alami, bahkan bisa juga unutk menghilangkan bekas maskara waterproof. VCO ini juga merupakan pelembab yang bagus banget untuk rambut kering dan rusak bila digunakan sebagai kondisioner alami.

    • Mencegah keriput dan kulit kendur
    • Cold pressed
    • Memelihara folikel rambut dan menghilangkan ketombe
    • Membantu menyembuhkan masalah kulit seperti luka bakar, eksim, ketombe, gatal, dermatitis dan psoriasi
    • Meningkatkan kesehatan rambut terutama untuk rambut kering dan rusak karena dapat menembus stran rambut
    • Anti-radang
    • Baik untuk tanning
    • Ramah pada kulit yang teriritasi dan sensitif

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