Our outermost layer of skin called the strateum corneum holds water, which when depleted causes this layer shrinks causing scally, and flaky skin. Dry skin can be caused by a variety of factors, everything from the weather, humidity, water, to cleaning yourself. Dry skin is undesirable due to a number of factors. For one having dry skin in of itself feels unpleasant, irritating and itchy not only to you, but to anyone touching the sandpaper like horror they will encounter. Ever woken up looking haggard, and wrinkled? This condition often caused by dehydration which also affects your skin, leaving it in dire need for nourishment. Your skin also serves as a protective layer from the elements, not only is having dry skin an undesirable beauty standard, but it also serves as a health standard to protect you from harsh conditions.
The climate you live in can have a major impact on how dry you skin gets. Those of you living in colder winter climates will experience the most climate specific impact of dry skin. This is caused by the dry air, the effect can also be felt on plane rides. The lack of moisture in the hair will make your skin crack, leaving ashy white skin. This dryness is not only unpleasant to look at, but also feels uncomfortable. Dessert climate is another extremely drying condition, sun exposure can especially do a number on the protective layers of your skin.
Showering, and cleaning yourself with soap serves to rid your skin of various bacteria, but it also dries you skin. This is because your skin has natural oils which protect and moisturize it. Soap strips your skin of this layer. The temperature of your shower will also affect dryness, while a nice hot shower feels amazing, it will also lead to the drying out of your skin. Not only that, but the longer you shower the more natural oils will be stripped away. Harsh rubbing, or drying down with a towel or scrub also decreases oil. The fabric you wear post shower is also a factor, this could be incompatibility with the fabric or the cleaning material or softener used on it. One factor that is harder to cut out is aging, the changes in your hormones will have an effect, though a lot of it is also genetically determined.
If your skin is constantly dry even after minimizing all these factors there could be an underlying health issue. Skin conditions such as eczema, dermatitis, or thyroid Issues could all be affecting this. If you are free from these issues than there are some great solutions for you to check on our next piece in this serious. From light moisturizing to dealing with harsh moisture sapping situations. We’ve got you covered!